Flagship Projects

The Institute essentially develops its activities through collaborative research projects.

These projects:

  • Are based on interdisciplinarity
  • Prioritise collaborative research and co-development
  • Rely on partnerships with all sectors of society (industries, services, research centres, governmental institutions, etc.)
  • Bring together provincial, regional, federal, European and international partners.

The Institute is active in setting up research projects, with its partners, which respond to the emerging problems linked to the Institute’s field.

Below you can find a list of some key projects, which highlight some of the issues our researchers tackle.

A series of agreements with the Cellule Risques Accidents Majeurs of the Région Wallonne for research on the delimitation of vulnerable areas around SEVESO sites in Wallonia [companies involved in industrial activities as well as in the storage of hazardous chemicals] based on the methodology developed by the FPMs using SAFETI/PHAST-Risk software.

This project focuses on the purification of water and, more particularly, advanced oxidation operating processes. This is part of an environmental approach for the treatment of drinking water (natural or sewage outlet) containing emerging organic micro-pollutants which are toxic and harmful to health.

Evaluation of soil pressure and ground vibrations generated by blasts.

The purpose of this project is to study the interaction between the blast and its surroundings.

The objective of the project is (i) to analyse, in detail, the vibratory source, that is quarry blasts, in order to model it in a realistic way and (ii) to determine the generated ground wave propagation.

Relying on data related to subsoil in Wallonia is increasingly common, if not imposed, in the exploration and exploitation of subsoil resources. These data are used in projects related to the establishment of technical landfills, soil pollution, the establishment of protection zones for water catchment, the establishment of local and general development plans, environmental permits, environmental and spatial planning management, and will soon be required for the management of mining waste.

«Embolus Permanent Protector – Permanent Stent-Filter»

The main objective of this project is to offer patients, at high risk of stroke, permanent protection whilst avoiding any risk of bleeding related to anticoagulant therapy. The arteries supplying the brain with blood branch off from the aortic arch, so this part of the aorta can be used as a strategic area to permanently prevent  embolic stroke or visceral ischemia originating from the heart or/and aortic atherosclerotic plaques. Based on this, a stent-filtering device can be placed, under local anaesthesia, in the aortic arch by a standard, minimally invasive, endovascular technique.

This project aims to develop a training programme in the field of crisis management, in order to respond to the emergence of new functions within companies and for other operators of critical infrastructures, which have arisen from the implementation of regulations.

This project aims to develop new remediation and monitoring technologies for the sequential reallocation of severely polluted industrial sites. The goal is to allow the rapid reuse of land, at the same time as carrying out remediation works (including the superficial and deep compartments, such as the level under groundwater) at competitive costs compared to the excavation techniques currently used for this type of pollution.

Evaluation of the effects of a stent implant which has had a new surface treatment in an animal and clinical model, using a metabonomic approach. The evaluation will focuses on the toxicity of the implant and its ability to resorb an aneurysm.

Système d’Analyse de Feux et Emanations par Spectroscopie Infrarouge à Distance et Embarquée”.

Development of new portable and remote spectroscopic characterisation solutions to detect the nature of gases in the air and measure the smoke from uncontrolled fires at at-risk sites or following an accident during the transportation of a dangerous substance.

By studying metamaterials, we can analyse seismic and anti-vibration solutions for structures with non-conventional insulation, which have remarkable mechanical properties. Our broad expertise in this area, including the prediction of vibratory waves generated by rail traffic and means to mitigate them, will provide the essential elements to carry out this project.