Over the years, several people have contributed to the implementation of the MATMOL toolbox :
- Prof. William Schiesser (Lehigh University) has been instrumental in the development of the toolbox, particularly the finite difference methods which are largely based on the Fortran DSS/2 library and the ODE solvers
- Dr. Filip Logist (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) has carefully tested the toolbox, making many useful suggestions and additions, and introducing new methods such as the operator splitting
- Dr. Carlos Vilas, currently researcher at IIM-CSIC (Vigo, Spain) contributed many results of his PhD work, including the Finite Element Method (re-implemented using FSELIB by C. Pozrikidis) and the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
- Dr. Robert David developed the wastewater treatment models (available in the examples) during his PhD work at Université de Mons
- Guillaume Chauvon implemented the geometrical ODE solvers and the associated examples
Philippe Saucez and Alain Vande Wouwer
This website presents research results of the Belgian Network DYSCO (Dy- namical Systems, Control, and Optimization), funded by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme, initiated by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO). The scientific responsibility rests with its authors.