How to welcome a foreign visitor

The Department for Research Support and Technology Transfer (AVRE) of UMONS has established itself as a focal point for international researchers. With the support of the International Relations Office, the AVRE team offers administrative and logistic support to our foreign researchers when they arrive at the University and start working in their departments. This support includes:

  • Informing them of the formalities to be done before departure: visa, work permit or work permit exemption processes, and providing information about housing, the cost of living and transportation in Mons
  • Helping them to obtain a residence permit, open a bank account, and set up health insurance and other insurances
  • Communicating practical information during their stay, regarding, for example, French classes, campus life, and social/cultural activities
  • Reminding them about the end of stay formalities.

Contact person: Caroline Vliegen – Tel.: 065/37.40 18 | Email: –  feel free to contact her if you have any questions.

This project is supported by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB) and holds the Euraxess – label.