ScheduleDaytime schedule
ECTS Credits180
The three-year, 180-credit Bachelor’s in Biology degree allows students to acquire the basic training in the various fields of biology. These first three years form the first step towards obtaining a Master’s degree in Biology.
“I chose to study at UMONS both because of the good size of the university and the wide range of courses on offer. I was not disappointed in either respect. I was able to benefit from a comprehensive study programme which enabled me to tackle all areas of biology, in a friendly atmosphere with my classmates and professors.” Ysaline Bossicard, 3rd Block Biology student
Program and structure
This Bachelor’s degree provides students with basic training in biology. Remedial sessions are organised for first-block students to facilitate their transition to the university curriculum. The second and third blocks cover the main disciplines of biology, such as biochemistry, animal biology, cell biology, molecular biology, plant biology, ecology, ethology, genetics, physiology, neurobiology, microbiology, and phylogeny, among others.
The curriculum also includes, for most courses, practical assignments and placements in Belgium, allowing the students to put theory into practice.
English is also taught in Block 2 and Block 3 of the Bachelor’s programme.
Overall, this course provides an excellent basis for the Master’s degree in Biology.
Access conditions
For access to studies, visit the S'inscrire à l'UMONS - Université de Mons pages.
There is no entrance exam or limit on the number of places for this course.
Teaching profile
The programme description defines the expected learning outcomes at the end of the cycle (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.). The programme description defines the expected learning outcomes, i.e. what the student should know, understand and be able to achieve at the end of a learning activity, a teaching unit or a study cycle (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.). Learning outcomes are defined in terms of knowledge, expertise and soft skills.
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Acquire, understand and apply knowledge in the fields of biology and other fields of study.
- Solve biological problems.
- Apply a scientific approach and a critical mind.
- Communicate effectively and appropriately in French and English.
- Develop autonomy, set learning objectives and make choices to achieve them.
For more information, consult the course description for this study cycle below.
Successful completion of this Bachelor's degree qualifies students to register for a Master's degree in Biology.