Bachelor's in


  • Schedule
    Daytime schedule
  • ECTS Credits
  • Language


This Bachelor’s degree provides students with a solid basic training in mathematics. In the first year, students have the opportunity to choose a complementary discipline – physics or computer science – and from the third year onwards, they can also choose either applied probability or teaching. Successful completion of this course allows students to proceed to the Master’s programme.

Target audience

The Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics is for those students interested in mathematics and its various applications.

Program and structure

The Bachelor’s degree is structured around a core curriculum which provides the basis for contemporary mathematics. This is complemented with an additional subject to be chosen from physics, computer science, applied probability or teaching. Since a good knowledge of English is essential for dealing with scientific literature, students also take a beginners’ English course. All courses are supplemented with practical exercises which, through individual or group work, enable the students to become familiar with the subject. There is a transition system, from secondary school to university, included in the first-year timetable, which helps students to switch from the skills and knowledge they acquired in secondary school to the requirements of university study.

Access conditions

For access to studies, visit the S'inscrire à l'UMONS - Université de Mons pages.

There is no entrance exam or limit on the number of places for this course.

Teaching profile

The programme description defines the expected learning outcomes at the end of the cycle (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.). The programme description defines the expected learning outcomes, i.e. what the student should know, understand and be able to achieve at the end of a learning activity, a teaching unit or a study cycle (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.). Learning outcomes are defined in terms of knowledge, expertise and soft skills.

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Thoroughly understand 'elementary' mathematics.
  • Understand and produce rigorous reasoning in mathematics.
  • Collaborate on mathematical topics.
  • Solve emerging problems.
  • Effectively use IT tools.
  • Approach literature and dialogue with other sciences.

For more information, consult the course description for this study cycle below.


Successful completion of this Bachelor's degree qualifies students to register for a Master's degree in Mathematics.

About this training

Science and Technology

Contact us for more info

Président du Département de Mathématiques
+32 (0)65 37 33 01