Leçon inaugurale – Chaire Francqui 2024-2025

Quand ?
Le 25 mars 2025 à 16:30
Où ?
Campus Plaine de Nimy - Centre Vésale - Aud. La Fontaine

Organisé par

Faculté des sciences (Rony Snyders)
065 554955

Who is Annemie Bogaerts ? 

Annemie Bogaerts was born in 1971 and obtained her PhD in Sciences in 1996 from UAntwerp, where she is full professor in physical chemistry since 2012, and head of the research group PLASMANT, which she founded from scratch and now counts ca. 50 members. Since 2005, she was supervisor of 62 defended PhD theses. She published over 650 peer-reviewed papers since 1995 (and about 25 invited book chapters), with over 45,000 citations in Google Scholar (h-index = 106), and has about 265 plenary or invited lectures at international conferences or institutes since 1995. She is also co-inventor of 14 patent applications since 2019, and co-founder of 4 spin-off companies of her research group.

Global context of the chair 2024-2025

The Professor’s Bogaerts research focuses on plasma chemistry, plasma reactor design and plasma-surface interactions (incl. solid catalysts, liquids and biomolecules), by computer modelling and experiments, mainly for applications in green chemistry (e.g., plasma-based CO2 and CH4 conversion, N2 fixation for green fertilizer production, green H2 and plasma medicine (mainly cancer research). She has (among others) an ERC Synergy Grant on plasma catalysis, and also collaborates with UMONS (R. Snyders) on green H2 production from hydrocarbons, within an FWO-FNRS Excellence of Science project.

Inaugural lecture: « From the Sun to plasma-TVs: Plasmas in our daily life »

Plasma, also called “the fourth state of matter”, is a (partially) ionized gas, that is omnipresent in the universe (e.g., the Sun), but can also be made on Earth. There exist a wide variety of plasmas, used for a wide range of applications, like in fusion research, but also as light sources, for coating deposition, surface treatment, environmental, sustainable chemistry and biomedical applications. In this lecture, an overview will be given of different plasmas and the many applications will be explained.


This lecture will be followed by 2 other lectures:

  1. on September 2nd 2025 : « Plasma-based green chemistry: Challenges and opportunities »
  2. and September 3rd 2025 : « Plasma catalysis: How to unravel the complex chemical and physical mechanisms ? »

More information will follow in the coming months. Stay tuned. 

Avenue du Champ de Mars, 22
7000 Mons, Belgium