Séminaire INFORTECH: Evolution of Cloud Data Management Systems

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Le 22 avril 2024 à 12:30

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Title:   Evolution of Cloud Data Management Systems:  State of the Art and Open Issues Presenter: Emerit. Prof.  Abdelkader Hameurlain, Pyramid Team, Informatics Research Institute of Toulouse (IRIT)

Abstract: Since more than half a century, Data Management Systems DMS have been intensively designed, implemented and deployed in multiple environments (e.g. Uni-processor, Parallel, Distributed, Mobile, Grid, Cloud) and for widely varying classes of applications.  Until today, the landscape of DMS is composed of data analysis systems (OLAP) and transaction processing systems (OLTP) which are separately managed. The reasons for this dichotomy are that both systems have very different functionalities, characteristics, requirements and objectives. However, the requirements and objectives of many new societal and industrial applications simultaneously need scalability, availability and consistency. Therefore, the HTAP property (Hybrid Transactional Analytics Processing) has been very recently integrated into Cloud Data Management Systems CDMS (NewSQL Systems) in order to avoid the orthogonality between OLAP and OLTP. This integration represents the main recent advance in CDMS. The purpose of this seminar is to provide a comprehensive state of the art concerning the evolution of cloud data management systems CDMS focusing on data analysis systems (OLAP).

Bio: Abdelkader Hameurlain is Emirit. Professor (and previously Full Professor) in Computer Science at Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse, France). He is a member of the Institute of Research in Computer Science of Toulouse. His research interests are in query processing and optimization in parallel, cloud, and large-scale distributed environments, mobile databases, and database performance. He has been general chair of the International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (in 2002, 2011, 2017 and 2018). He is co-editor-in-Chief of Transactions on Large-scale Data and Knowledge Centered Systems. He was guest editor of three special issues of the International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering.