Non-EU student with a Qualification obtained in Belgium

You are a non-EU student and you completed your secondary school education in Belgium un 2024 and you wish to register for the 1st year of a Bachelor’s degree


Register via the online registration form:

Online Registration Form


The documents you will need to register (in PDF or JPEG format only):

1.1 You completed your secondary education in 2024:

  • A passport-size photo
  • Your two-sided identity document (either ID, residence permit or passport)
  • Your birth certificate
  • Your qualification:
    • The certificate of advanced secondary education (C.E.S.S.) or the provisional C.E.S.S. certificate if the final certificate is not yet available
    • For access to undergraduate studies in the field of engineering sciences, proof of passing the special entrance examination for these studies; information regarding the procedure, fees and registration periods for this examination can be found on the FPMs Entrance Examination page
    • Note: If you have a C.E.S.S (or equivalent) awarded in the Flemish or German-speaking Community, the conditions of access are identical to those for graduates of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.


Payment of the increased registration fee is due in accordance with the provisions set out in the study regulations.

For assimilated students, proof of assimilation must be provided at the time of registration.

You must follow the admission procedure using the online admission form via the following link:

If you don’t have a 1st cycle (Bachelor’s) entrance qualification, you can still register at the University if you pass the 1(st) cycle entrance examination.

If you wish to take this exam, you must follow the admission procedure via the online admission form at the following link:

You can use our search tool to check which UMONS Masters courses you have access to, and under what conditions.

If you have unconditional direct access

Register via the following link:

You need the following documents in PDF or JPEG format:

  • One passport-size photo;
  • your two-sided identity document (either my identity card, residence permit or passport);
  • your birth certificate;
  • your entrance qualification (diploma or provisional certificate of achievement)
  • Proof of your activity in the ten years prior to registration, i.e.:
    • official school certificate (stating pass or fail)
    • absence of debt to any FWB institution (official attestation confirming absence of debt to your last higher education institution in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation is required for studies starting in 2014-2015)
      • transcripts for each year, showing your annual programme credits and credits earned;
      • an official certificate of employment;
      • an official certificate of unemployment;
      • official proof of stay abroad, including departure and return dates;
      • an official certificate justifying a medical condition;
      • or any other official document justifying your background.
  • If you do not have any supporting documents, you must provide a declaration on your honour, for each year concerned, that you did not pursue higher education in Belgium or abroad, specifying the reason why you are unable to provide supporting documents.


If you have access via a “Passerelle” (bridge programme) 

You must complete the application form available here. This file will enable the board to determine your course programme, taking into account your previous training. You must provide the following documents in PDF or JPEG format:

  • The completed application form for full access (to be downloaded in step 9 of your online application form or submitted when you apply at the counter if you already have a UMONS number).
  • One passport-size photo;
  • your two-sided identity document (either my identity card, residence permit or passport);
  • your birth certificate;
  • your entrance qualification (diploma or provisional certificate of achievement)
  • Proof of your activity in the ten years prior to registration, i.e.:
    • official school certificate (stating pass or fail)
    • absence of debt to any FWB institution (official attestation confirming absence of debt to your last higher education institution in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation is required for studies starting in 2014-2015)
      • transcripts for each year, showing your annual programme credits and credits earned;
      • an official certificate of employment;
      • an official certificate of unemployment;
      • official proof of stay abroad, including departure and return dates;
      • an official certificate justifying a medical condition;
      • or any other official document justifying your background.
  • If you do not have any supporting documents, you must provide a declaration on your honour, for each year concerned, that you did not pursue higher education in Belgium or abroad, specifying the reason why you are unable to provide supporting documents.

Payment of the increased registration fee is due in accordance with the provisions set out in the study regulations.

For assimilated students, proof of assimilation must be provided at the time of registration.

You must follow the admission procedure via the online admission form at the following link:

Admissions Requirements:

Under the general conditions set by the Academic Authorities, students who hold one of the following are eligible to register on an Advanced Master’s programme:

1° A Master’s degree.

2° The equivalent of a Master’s degree, awarded by a higher education establishment in the Flemish Community, in the German-speaking Community or by the Royal Military School, by virtue of a decision by the Academic Authorities and subject to any additional conditions that they set.

3° A foreign degree recognised as equivalent to those mentioned in points 1° and 2° pursuant to the decree, a European directive, an international convention or other legislation, under the same conditions.

The additional entry requirements referred to in point 2 are intended to ensure that the student has acquired the subjects and skills required for the studies in question. Where these complementary conditions of access consist of one or more additional courses, these may not represent more than 60 additional credits for the student, taking into account all the credits that the student may otherwise have validated on admission. These courses form part of the student’s programme of study. Since the Government decrees referred to in 4° and 5° have not yet been issued, for the 2021-2022 academic year, students who do not hold one of the qualifications referred to in 1° and 3° are required to sit the specific examination referred to in 2°.

Under the general conditions set by the Academic Authorities, students who hold a second cycle qualification, issued in or outside the French Community, which does not give them access to an Advanced Master’s programme by virtue of the preceding paragraph, may nevertheless be admitted by the Board for the studies in question, under the additional conditions it sets, as long as all the higher education studies they have completed or the skills they have acquired have been validated by the Board for at least 240 credits.

As an exception to these general conditions and the additional conditions they set, academic authorities may also admit to Advanced Master’s programmes holders of a qualification issued outside the French Community which, in the original system, gives direct access to postgraduate studies, even if the studies leading to these degrees are not organised in distinct cycles or over at least five years.

Admissions requirements specific to particular courses of study:

Advanced Master’s in Total Quality Management (FPMs – Faculty of Engineering )

  • You have a Master’s degree in Engineering (all subjects) from the FWB, so you don’t need to apply for admission. You can register for the course directly via the following link:
  • For other diplomas, you must apply for admission and meet the following conditions:
    • An average of 13/20 in the secondary diploma is required (in the absence of a numerical mark, “assez bien” (or equivalent) is required as a minimum. If no grade is given, the file will be forwarded to the Faculty). In addition, only A, B and C grades are considered sufficient to meet the 13/20 requirement in subjects included in the “Advanced Level – General Certificate of Education” (a qualification awarded on completion of upper secondary education in the UK education system, in some Commonwealth countries and in other countries).
    • An average mark of 13/20, excluding final year work, internships or other professional integration activities, or in the absence of a numerical mark, “assez bien” (or equivalent) (without prejudice to a more in-depth evaluation of the student’s academic record by the faculty board), is required for the final year(s) of study taken into account in the evaluation of the application for admission, as well as a mark equal to or higher than 13/20 for personal work (final year work, internships or other professional integration activities). In the absence of a grade, the file will be forwarded to the Faculty.
    • The board also takes into account the match between the candidate’s previous training, their professional project and the Advanced Master’s in Total Quality Management.
    • The student must have passed their final year of study. 

Master’s degree in University and Higher Education Pedagogy

  1. You hold one of the following diplomas, so you don’t need to apply for admission. You can register for the course directly via the following link:
  • Master’s degree in Speech and Language Therapy
  • Master’s degree in Education
  • Master’s degree in Family and Sexuality
  • Master’s degree in Psychology 
  1. You hold another diploma, you may be admitted, subject to the board’s decision, after analysis of your application file (in particular, another academic Master’s degree, either with a teaching focus or complemented by a teaching qualification). You must follow the admissions procedure.


Master’s degree in Teacher Training

No admissions requests this year.

Application procedure:

Application deadline:

  • 31st March if you do not reside in Belgium (study visa required)
  • 31st August if you reside in Belgium (legal adress in Belgium)

If you need to apply for admission, you can do so via the following link:

Once the online application has been completed, it will be evaluated by the Registration Office and the faculties, who will make their decisions. You will receive a confirmation e-mail.

Once accepted, you will be able to contact the Registration Office between 21st June and 30th September for the final registration.

In case of refusal, you will receive an e-mail notification.

Steps to take if your application is accepted:

Once the admissions procedure has been completed, you will need to finalise your registration via the online application form providing the following documents:

  • One passport-size photo;
  • your two-sided identity document (either my identity card, residence permit or passport);
  • your birth certificate;
  • absence of debt to any FWB institution (official attestation confirming absence of debt to your last higher education institution in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation is required for studies starting in 2014-2015)
  • any document the board indicates is necessary to complete your file in your acceptance letter
  •  if applicable, proof that you have obtained a visa to study at UMONS and arrived in Belgium by 09/30 at the latest (page of arrival stamp in passport + page of passport details).


If you have already registered at UMONS, you must go to the Registration Office during opening hours to complete a paper registration form.

You must take all the relevant documents from your application, as well as:

  • One passport-size photo;
  • your two-sided identity document (either my identity card, residence permit or passport);
  • your birth certificate;
  • absence of debt to any FWB institution (official attestation confirming absence of debt to your last higher education institution in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation is required for studies starting in 2014-2015)
  • any document the board indicates is necessary to complete your file in your acceptance letter

Payment of the increased registration fee is due in accordance with the provisions set out in the study regulations.

For assimilated students, proof of assimilation must be provided at the time of registration.