Master's in

Clinical Orthopedagogy

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Clinical orthopedagogy is a discipline that deals with the theories and methods leading to the performance of autonomous acts concerning the prevention, diagnosis and support of educational, learning, behavioural and emotional problems throughout life, targeting all levels concerned (the person and their environment) in order to develop the potential of each individual while taking into account their resources and difficulties.

It generally concerns all populations for whom organic, psychological and social factors will compromise quality of life, social participation, autonomy, social inclusion and the ability to perform social roles such as being a parent or working.

The proposed programme provides both theoretical and practical training which enables the students to develop their understanding of specific needs and disability situations, to focus on the possibilities of developing human potential, in line with the principles of promoting self-determination, quality of life, services and, ultimately, social inclusion.

Target audience

This course is for those who are interested in studying the lives of people with special needs and disabilities (intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, specific learning disabilities, the elderly, people with dual diagnoses, etc.), in close collaboration with their immediate environment, be it professional or not.

Extra information

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After the Master’s

The Master’s in Psychology leads to the professional title of psychologist.

This specialist focus grants access to the 6th year of study which leads to the title of orthopédagogue clinicien.

Students with a Master’s degree in Psychology can register for the AESS teacher training course or for a PhD/doctoral training in Psychology and Education.

Upon application, students may also be granted access to certain Advanced Master’s degree programmes, e.g. in University and Higher Education Pedagogy, in Language Sciences or in Support for Professionals in Education, Management, Social Action and Health.


Program and structure

The programme totals at least 120 credits which are organised in two 60-credit annual blocks.

In Block 1, the programme includes a 15-credit core curriculum, the objective of which is to train students in psychodiagnosis (a cross-disciplinary skill in all fields of psychology) and to prepare them for the dissertation through a specific seminar.

It also includes 15 compulsory credits specific to the clinical orthopedagogy specialist focus.

The structure of the Master’s programme allows students, who are responsible for their own learning process, to select a 30-credit module of their choice:

  • Clinical neuropsychology
  • Clinical psychodynamic psychology of children and adolescents
  • Systemic clinical psychology and adult psychodynamics
  • Psychology of work, organisations and diversity
  • Legal psychology.

This module will be taken in both blocks (15 credits per block).

Finally, the programme includes two 400-hour placements (15 credits each) and a dissertation (30 credits).

Are you interested in this course? Click here to visualise your future course timetable.

Access conditions

Do you already have a higher education qualification obtained in the French Community? Use our search tool to check whether your qualification grants you admission onto this Master's degree and, if so, under what conditions.

Teaching profile

The programme description defines the expected learning outcomes, i.e. what the student should know, understand and be able to achieve at the end of a learning activity, a teaching unit or a study cycle (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.). Learning outcomes are defined in terms of knowledge, expertise and soft skills.

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Analyse a situation (individual or collective) with reference to relevant clinical orthopedagogy theories and methodological approaches.
  • Choose an intervention, justify it, implement it and evaluate it.
  • Communicate and exchange information in a structured manner suited to the purpose and audience.
  • Work effectively with different stakeholders as part of a team or network of professionals.
  • Act in an ethical and professional manner.
  • Assess and pursue professional and personal development.
  • Understand the scientific approach to research in the field of psychology and clinical orthopedagogy.
  • Develop individual and group training activities.

For more information, consult the programme description for this study cycle : EN-PROF-ENS-M2-MORTHC_OUT


Graduates of the Master's degree in Psychology (Clinical Orthopedagogy) are granted the title of psychologist (a protected title in Belgium).

They will be able to access the 6th year of study in order to be able to apply for the  as an  orthopédagogue clinicien.

Here are some of the potential job opportunities:

  • Assistance to people in residential settings, in supervised housing or in support services for people with disabilities
  • Working with the elderly to maintain/develop their autonomy and adapt their environment to meet their needs and lifestyle
  • Working in a psychiatric residential environment, as the coordinator of multidisciplinary teams in the medical-social and youth aid sectors to deal with behavioural difficulties in particular, and in the educational inclusion and professional integration of people with special needs.

About this training

Human and Social Sciences
Mons, Brussels, Liège

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