
Personal and Professional Project

The “Personal and Professional Development Project” is a course taught to students at the beginning, middle and end of the Bachelor’s in Psychology and Education, as well as to some students registered on the complementary programme. The purpose of these educational components (UE) is to enable students of the Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPSE) to think about their future profession as a psychologist, teacher or speech therapist, and to develop their career plans by carrying out different activities. Among these activities, students have the opportunity to meet professionals practicing in the fields of psychology and education by attending a soirée organised by the FPSE and conducting interviews. This allows the students to, ultimately, refine their perceptions of the professional world and guide them in their choice of courses once they reach the Master’s. The “Personal and Professional Development Project” also proposes transversal activities, such as such as spell checking, conceptual mapping, and reflexive and scientific methods, among others, all of which can be transferred to other disciplines offered by the FPSE.

Salon de la Faculté

The third and final year of the Bachelor’s is special for students since, after following a strict study path providing them with a foundation in all areas of psychology and education, they find themselves on the cusp of starting their Master’s with an important choice to make: what area should they specialise in?

To help students in this important and sometimes difficult choice, each year the FPSE organises an event, where all the teaching units of the Faculty, as well as the various general services, for example, the Faculty Secretariat and the International Relations Office, receive students alone or in small groups to answer their questions and discuss their future within the Faculty and placements abroad, depending on the chosen specialist focus.