Educational Adaptation

Dissertation Seminar

It is advised that students registered on the Master’s in Psychology and Education start working on their dissertation as soon as they start the Master’s programme. The educational system imposed at the FPSE is structured around several teaching activities, two of which are common to all students and take place during the first year of the Master’s. Firstly, during the January assessment period, students submit a summary of key articles related to the theme of the dissertation, and secondly, at the end of the academic year, during the June assessment period, students submit a proposal for a methodology to be implemented in the second year of the Master’s. The whole process is supervised by the Faculty’s research and teaching departments.


With expertise in the field of online education, training and university pedagogy, the FPSE has, for the second year in a row, developed a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) for both its own students and all those interested in the subject matter addressed by this MOOC.

The objectives of this MOOC, or UMOOC, are to actively introduce learners to different pedagogical principles that can make a difference to learning.

The aim of implementing this system is to make students active in their learning, which is essential for academic success.

This initiative stems from a collaboration between the General Pedagogy and Educational Media Unit and the Faculty Unit for Educational Support (CFPU), both led by Professor Bruno De Lièvre.