Welcome Programme for Refugee Students


The Welcome Programme for Refugee Students was created by the University of Mons in 2015 for people with asylum seeker or refugee status, or who are under subsidiary or temporary protection in the province of Hainaut. Its aim is to help them start or resume higher education studies at UMONS.

This programme, which is coordinated by the International Relations Department, brings together people from different student support services to ensure that it operates efficiently and in a concerted manner. Close contacts have also been established with the region’s Welcome Centres (Fedasil, Red Cross), as well as various CPAS and support organisations.

Each student taking part in the programme receives individual support according to his or her needs: requests for equivalences, admission procedures, enrolment and financial assistance, depending on the profile (transport costs, enrolment fees, equipment, etc.).

In addition, for students who do not yet speak French, courses of French as a foreign language are offered through the Mons and Jemappes Ecoles de Promotion Sociale, with which the UMONS works closely.


UMONS offers the following to the refugees received in Hainaut:

  • French as a foreign language courses: 240 periods divided into two sessions (September-December / February-June). The face-to-face course also includes socio-cultural integration activities. The teaching services are provided by the Ecoles de Promotion Sociale of Jemappes and Mons-Borinage;
  • Individualised support with administrative procedures (equivalences, admission procedures, academic records, etc.);
  • Material and financial assistance, depending on your profile.

For more information on our Programme, your single point of contact: Adeline DELOR: adeline.delor@umons.ac.be


Useful links :
  1. Fedasil