University Management Team
A team of 29 people from each faculty to meet the challenges of proximity and international
Rector : Philippe Dubois (FS)
First Advisor for Quality and Institutional Assessment: Anne Heldenbergh* (FWEG)
Information and Communications Advisor : Angy Geerts (FWEG)
Academic Coordinator for Delocalised Sites: Christian Michaux* (FS)
UMONS Coordinator for the EUNICE University Alliance: Rony Snyders* (FS)
Responsible for Special Missions of the Rector: Calogero Conti, Bernard Harmegnies, Joseph Pagano, Dany Vince
Philippe Dubois is Rector of UMONS. On 1st October 2022 he started his second 4-year term after being re-elected in April 2022. Born in Charleroi in 1965, his father was a miner at the <…Continue reading
Philippe DUBOIS ( FS )Rector
RectorPhilippe Dubois is Rector of UMONS. On 1st October 2022 he started his second 4-year term after being re-elected in April 2022.
Born in Charleroi in 1965, his father was a miner at the Charbonnage du Roton in Farciennes and his mother a housewife.
With a PhD in science, he is Rector-President of the University of Mons (Mons, Belgium) and a full professor at the Faculty of Science where he directs the Laboratory of Polymeric and Composite Materials, Centre of Innovation and Research in Materials and Polymers (CIRMAP).
He co-founded NANO4 S.A., a spin-off company of the CIRMAP and Materia Nova, of which he is currently chairperson of the board.
His expertise covers organic chemistry, macromolecular chemistry, catalysis of polymeric materials and (reactive) processing of (nano)composites and nanohybrid materials, including bio-based polymers.
His scientific involvement can be summarised as follows: the key role of “green” chemistry in nanotechnology and materials science. Thus, his research interconnects organic chemistry, organic and organometallic catalysis, macromolecular chemistry and the science of polymeric and (nano)composite materials.
In Europe, he was one of the first to demonstrate the potential of local and renewable bio-resources in the production of plastics capable of overcoming the need for fossil resources as raw materials.
His international recognition (more than 59,000 citations leading to an h-factor of 110) and a large number of conference invitations (333 personal presentations and 670 delivered by his collaborators) have earned him a place in the “Top100 materials scientists” by Thomson Reuters (UNESCO) for the period 2000-2010. He ranks 18th worldwide (fifth European and first Belgian). In 2020, he was listed in the Top 2% World Scientists published by Stanford University (and in his field of polymers, he is even in the Top 0.2%).
Philippe Dubois is a member of the editorial board of 18 international scientific journals in the field of polymeric materials with a high impact factor. He is associate editor of the scientific journal “Nanocomposites” (Taylor & Francis Group, impact factor: 3.88) which he launched in 2014. He is also associate editor of the journal “Materials Science and Engineering Reports” published by Elsevier, which currently has an impact factor of 36.21.
He is also Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Science, Michigan State University (MSU), Lansing (USA), Honorary Professor at the University of Luxembourg, Visiting Professor at the National Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, and Visiting Professor at the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France.
He joined the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) as Scientific Director in 2016-17, where he launched the National Composite Center of Luxembourg (NCC-L). He was a laureate of the PEARL research excellence programme (€4 million) of the National Research Foundation FNR in Luxembourg.
In addition to his scientific involvement, Philippe Dubois is also heavily invested in the University of Mons. Advisor to Rector Calogero Conti between 2006 and 2009, he was Vice-Rector for Research at UMONS for more than 7 years before becoming Rector.
He has also served as Head of the Chemistry Department (2003-2007), Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Science (2002-2005) and Co-Chair of the Materials Research Institute (2012-2016).
Philippe Dubois is a full member of the Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences (since 2010) and was President of the Royal Belgian Chemical Society in 2006-2007. He is also an elected member of the European Academy of Sciences EurASc (engineering division) (since 2017).
Finally, Philippe Dubois has received various national and international awards. In Belgium, these include the Triennial Prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2000), the National Belgium Award of Energy and Environment (2010) and the ZENOBE Prize for Technological Innovation in the Walloon Region (2011). He was awarded the FNRS Five-Year Prize in Applied Exact Sciences 2011-2015, the most prestigious prize awarded every five years by the FNRS and personally presented by King Philippe of Belgium. Abroad, he was awarded the Semenov Medal by the Russian Academy of Sciences (2016), and the Grand Prix of the French Association of GFP Polymers in France (2013).
Contact :
Tél. secrétariat : +32 65 373001
Philippe DUBOIS ( FS )Rector
Anne Heldenbergh is a full professor and head of the UMONS Finance Unit. She wrote a doctoral thesis under the supervision of Bernard Lux and Martine Durez on mergers and acquisitions…Continue reading
Anne HELDENBERGH ( FWEG )First Advisor for Quality and Institutional Assessment
First Advisor for Quality and Institutional AssessmentAnne Heldenbergh is a full professor and head of the UMONS Finance Unit. She wrote a doctoral thesis under the supervision of Bernard Lux and Martine Durez on mergers and acquisitions, which was defended in 1999 at the University of Mons-Hainaut (UMH). She teaches corporate finance (investment and financing of companies, evaluation of organisations, entrepreneurial finance, etc.) and runs a business game. She contributes her independent financial expertise to various boards of directors, including that of the asset manager of the Belfius group and that of Amis des Aveugles (Friends of the Blind).
In the field of quality in higher education, Anne Heldenbergh was a member of the management committee of AEQES (Agence pour l’Evaluation de la Qualité de l’Enseignement Supérieur) for 11 years (2004-2015); she was responsible for the ISO 9001 certified quality management system of the Warocqué School of Business and Economics for 7 years. She has carried out numerous assessments of universities abroad on behalf of agencies or directly in the framework of specific approaches of institutions.
Specific Tasks
- Consolidating our quality approach adapted to our improvement objectives and needs (human-sized system rooted in our UMONS values)
- Supporting the “EQuIP” department in providing the appropriate tools, using the relevant dashboards/KPIs, to support the needs of the members of the Academic Authorities, the Deans and Directors
- Steering the alignment of the various UMONS action plans
- Working with the “Institutional Quality” working group on constructing the framework of the quality assurance system (QAS) and the overall quality policy document (explaining, in particular, the quality objectives, values and priorities, the components of the system and the relationships between them, and the ways in which the quality system can evolve)
- Contributing to the reform of teaching assessments
- Building on the experience of the EQuIP team, continuing to support curricula in their assessment methods.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 373266
Anne HELDENBERGH ( FWEG )First Advisor for Quality and Institutional Assessment
After graduating as a management engineer from the UMONS Warocqué School of Business and Economics (FWEG) in 2004, Angy Geerts began her professional career in a communications agency. She then embark…Continue reading
Angy GEERTS ( FWEG )Information and Communications Advisor
Information and Communications AdvisorAfter graduating as a management engineer from the UMONS Warocqué School of Business and Economics (FWEG) in 2004, Angy Geerts began her professional career in a communications agency. She then embarked on a PhD on the theme of luxury brand management and communication. After graduating with a PhD in Management Sciences in 2012, she became a lecturer at the FWEG in 2013, mainly teaching communication and advanced marketing at Master level. Angy Geerts is often invited as a visiting professor to teach Luxury Brand Management in Paris (ISC) and in Switzerland (HEC Lausanne).
She also coordinates the Communication Working Group at the FWEG.
Finally, Angy Geerts’research activities focus mainly on the management and marketing of luxury brands and their communication behaviour, particularly through the Internet. Part of her research has also focused on the marketing of timepieces.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 373264
Angy GEERTS ( FWEG )Information and Communications Advisor
Christian Michaux holds a degree in Mathematics, as well as a certificate in computer science and a PhD in Mathematical Logic, obtained in 1991. He has been Head of the Mathematical L…Continue reading
Christian MICHAUX ( FS )Academic Coordinator for Delocalised Sites
Academic Coordinator for Delocalised SitesChristian Michaux holds a degree in Mathematics, as well as a certificate in computer science and a PhD in Mathematical Logic, obtained in 1991. He has been Head of the Mathematical Logic Unit at UMONS since 2001. In the course of a very research-oriented career, he has carried out numerous long stays abroad; he has been a visiting professor at the Centre de Recerca Matematicà (Barcelona, 1993), a visiting lecturer at the University of Paris 7 (1994), a Rhineland-Wesphalia Chair for Belgian scientists (1995), a visiting professor at MSRI (Berkeley, 1998), and a visiting professor at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge (2005 and 2006). Since 2000, he has taught mathematics. He is in charge of the teaching qualification programme in mathematics at UMONS, is president of the non-profit Centre de Recherche sur l’Enseignement des Mathématiques (CREM), as well as managing director of the non-profit Société des Professeurs de Mathématiques (SBPMef). He is also involved in teaching missions of the UMONS Faculty of Science site in Charleroi; and since 2015, he has run a work-study Master’s programme in Computer Science. He is currently Dean of the Faculty of Science (since 2016, after a first series of mandates from 2007 to 2015).
Specific Tasks
- In partnership with the Vice-Rectors, supporting the Rector and the institutional strategy of academic development of the UMONS delocalised sites;
- Representing UMONS in the management bodies of the UMONS courses at its delocalised sites
- Ensuring, on its delocalised sites, within the framework of the institutional strategy of UMONS, the coordination of joint teaching with the academic partners of UMONS, in particular with the partners of CampusUCharleroi.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 373412
Christian MICHAUX ( FS )Academic Coordinator for Delocalised Sites
Rony Snyders graduated from UMH in 1998 and obtained a PhD in Science in 2004. He then carried out, among other things, post-doctoral stays of several years at the Ecole Polytechn…Continue reading
Rony SNYDERS ( FS )UMONS Coordinator for the EUNICE University Alliance
UMONS Coordinator for the EUNICE University AllianceRony Snyders graduated from UMH in 1998 and obtained a PhD in Science in 2004. He then carried out, among other things, post-doctoral stays of several years at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal and at RWTH Aachen University, under the supervision of an FNRS research fellow mandate. In 2007, he became a full-time lecturer at UMONS and in 2009, he created the Plasma-Surface Interaction Chemistry Unit and became scientific director at the Materia Nova research centre. He was appointed Professor in 2013 and Ordinary Professor in 2018. Since 2017, he has also been a Visiting Professor at Tianjin University of Technology (Tianjin, China). Active in the field of materials processing and synthesis by technologies integrating cold plasmas, the scientific activities of his laboratory are developed both at the fundamental and applied scales in collaboration with Belgian and foreign academic and industrial partners. He has always been heavily involved at the University of Mons and in society by becoming the Erasmus coordinator for the Faculty of Science, a member of the FRNS and FRIA commissions and spokesperson for the MAIN doctoral school. He is currently President of the Belgian Vacuum Society and sits on the boards of the INISMA and Materia Nova Research Centres for UMONS. In 2018, he became a member of the Rectoral College as advisor for interregional affairs, and since 2019 he has coordinated UMONS’ participation in the development of EUNICE, the European University.
Specific Tasks
- Acting as the reference spokesperson for our institution with regard to developments related to EUNICE
- Promoting and implementing EUNICE at our institution
- Coordinating the actions of the EUNICE team, with the administrative support of the DAVRE
- Bringing together members of the University community around the European university project, with the support of the Rector’s College.
- Promoting EUNICE within networks of private and public partners
- Representing our institution in official bodies (ARES, Ministry of Higher Education, etc.) in matters relating to the construction of European universities
- Guiding and supporting the development of the European dimension of our institution, in accordance with the strategic orientations of UMONS, and in close collaboration with the Academic Authorities.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 554955
Rony SNYDERS ( FS )UMONS Coordinator for the EUNICE University Alliance
Holder of an engineering degree from the Faculty of Engineering of Mons (FPMS), Calogero Conti began his research career focusing on the metallurgy of non-ferrous metals and defended his doctoral thes…Continue reading
Calogero CONTI ( FPMS )Project Leaders (Former Rector)
Project Leaders (Former Rector)Holder of an engineering degree from the Faculty of Engineering of Mons (FPMS), Calogero Conti began his research career focusing on the metallurgy of non-ferrous metals and defended his doctoral thesis in 1982. He then moved to the Department of Rational Mechanics, where he still carries out his teaching activities on, first and foremost, the dynamics of mechanical systems and mechanical vibrations. His research from 1978 to 1985 focused on liquid metal treatment processes and the simulation of multibody mechanical systems and the analysis of mechanical vibrations. Until 2006, he led a research team, whose main focus was on the transport sector, namely the stability of vehicles and the impact of rail and road traffic vibrations.
He was Dean of the FPMs from 1997 to 2001 and then Rector of the FPMs from 2006 to 2009, before assuming his first term as Rector of the University of Mons (UMONS) upon its creation in 2009 until 2014.
In 2009, he contributed to the creation of the Pôle Hainuyer, bringing together the higher education institutions and art schools of Hainaut, and chairs the Board of Directors. He has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Materia Nova Research Centre since 2009. He also chaired the Conseil d’Académie de l’Académie Universitaire Wallonie-Bruxelles (2006-2008, 2010-2012), which grouped together the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), the (former) Faculty of Engineering of Mons (FPMs) and the (former) University of Mons-Hainaut (UMH) from 2004 to 2009, followed by ULB and UMONS since 2009.
He is also a member of the Conseil d’Administration du Conseil wallon de la Politique Scientifique, the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, the Centre de Recherche Multitel, the Centre de Recherche Inisma, Invest Mons-Borinage-Centre Spinnova and the Orchestre Royal de Wallonie in Mons. On account of the “Paysage” decree (the decree on higher education in Wallonia since September 2014), he is now a member of the Conseil d’Administration de l’Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement supérieur, which was established in 2014, and is President of the Assemblée générale du Pôle hainuyer décrétal.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 37
Calogero CONTI ( FPMS )Project Leaders (Former Rector)
As a trained psychologist, Bernard Harmegnies undertook a PhD programme at the Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPSE). His doctoral thesis was on the objective analysis of voice quality. His te…Continue reading
Bernard HARMEGNIES ( FPSE )Project Leaders
Project LeadersAs a trained psychologist, Bernard Harmegnies undertook a PhD programme at the Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPSE). His doctoral thesis was on the objective analysis of voice quality.
His teaching duties are two-fold: he focuses on training in experimental research and quantitative approaches in social sciences (statistics and metrology), and on language sciences. He has assisted with the teachings of several non-university higher education institutions (Conservatoire de Mons, Haute Ecole Condorcet and Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci) and several universities (ULB, University of Lisbon, Autonomous University of Barcelona).
He is the head of the Phonetics Laboratory, composed of a multidisciplinary team who, using a resolutely transdisciplinary approach, concentrate primarily on the study of cognitive processing in human language. Research in this field is currently undergoing developments through partnerships with the corporate world and the health sector.
Bernard Harmegnies has chaired the FNRS Committee of Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences, and manages the Scientific Committee of the Graduate School for Psychology and Educational Sciences. He is the president, and founding member of, the UMONS Research Institute for Language Science and Technology. His research activities have provoked partnerships with various overseas laboratories at the universities of Paris 3, Toulouse-Le Mirail, Barcelona, Strasbourg, and Montreal, to name a few, and have led to various positions of responsibility in several research organisations.
Coming from UMH, he has also held a number of managerial roles, which include being the President of the UMONS Research Institute for Language Science and Technology, as well as the Vice-President of the CISH, Academic Secretary of the University, and Dean of the UMONS Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPSE) for six years. From 2006 to 2009, he held the presidency of the Conference of Deans of the FPSE. As part of the transition linked to the creation of UMONS, he has served on the Council of Rectors and as a member of the Collège rectoral at the Interuniversity Council of Francophone Universities. He held the position of First Vice-Rector of UMONS from the University’s creation in 2009 until 2018.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 373145
Bernard HARMEGNIES ( FPSE )Project Leaders
A Doctor of Applied Economic Sciences, Giuseppe Pagano is a Full Professor and manages the Public Finance and Taxation Unit. His research interests include economic policy, national accounts, public f…Continue reading
Joseph PAGANO ( FWEG )Project Leaders
Project LeadersA Doctor of Applied Economic Sciences, Giuseppe Pagano is a Full Professor and manages the Public Finance and Taxation Unit. His research interests include economic policy, national accounts, public finance at local and regional level, and regional economy. His expertise led him to be a member of the High Council of Finance from 2006 to 2011 and the Scientific Committee of the Institut des Comptes nationaux since 2001. At the request of the Walloon Government, he coordinated a group of scientists, whose work is the basis of the Marshall Plan 2022, and has designed the strategy and the regional operational programmes for the 2014-2020 scheduling of ERDF and ESF funds. He is also regularly contacted by Francophone and Flemish media.
Prof. Pagano has long been heavily involved in the development of UMONS. He was Chairman of the Interfaculty Centre for Human Sciences from 2003 to 2006, then Dean of the Warocqué School of Business and Economics (FWEG) from 2006 to 2009. Thanks to his quality approach, the FWEG received ISO certification in 2003. He was general coordinator of Law for the University of Mons from 2004 to 2009. He was also the Vice-Rector for Institutional and Regional Development in Calogero Conti’s rectoral team (2009 – 2018).
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 373270
Joseph PAGANO ( FWEG )Project Leaders
Dany VINCEProject Leaders (Former Administrator)Project Leaders (Former Administrator)
Dany VINCEProject Leaders (Former Administrator)
Student Affairs Advisor: Pierre Cornut (FAU)
Cultural Affairs Advisor: Thierry Dutoit (FPMs)
Equal Opportunities Advisor: Claire Dupont (FWEG)
Marc Labie has spent most of his career at UMONS, having graduated from the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation (FTI-EII) and the Warocqué School of Business and Economics where…Continue reading
Marc LABIE ( FWEG )First Vice-Rector for Economic, Social and Cultural Development and Student Affairs
First Vice-Rector for Economic, Social and Cultural Development and Student AffairsMarc Labie has spent most of his career at UMONS, having graduated from the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation (FTI-EII) and the Warocqué School of Business and Economics where, as a full professor, he teaches organisational analysis and management. His research focuses on the management of non-profit organisations, with a particular interest in microfinance organisations in developing countries. Specialised in microfinance, he co-founded and co-directs the Centre for European Research in Microfinance (CERMi), a joint centre created in 2007 by ULB (Solvay Brussels School) and UMONS (FWEG), which brings together some 40 international researchers active in this field ( Involved in numerous international partnerships, Marc Labie has had the opportunity to complete his training during stays at several foreign universities, including Harvard University, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and the University of Salamanca. Moreover, convinced that the University should also be a place of reflection and cultural discovery, he was the Secretary-Treasurer of the UMONS “Extension” from 2000 to 2016 and Cultural Affairs Advisor from 2014 to 2018. Since September 2018, he has been the First Vice-Rector of UMONS.
Specific Tasks
- Supporting the Rector in the management of the institution
- Acting as a relay for the student community, with the support of the Student Affairs Advisor, in order to encourage the emergence of projects that contribute to the improvement of living and studying conditions within our institution
- Coordinating an “Equal Opportunities” working group, with the support of the Equal Opportunities Advisor, which will ensure that the plans and projects in the areas of “Diversity and Gender”, “Special Needs” and “Social Inclusion” are properly monitored
- Providing guidance and support to the University’s actors involved in the cultural life and influence of our institution, with the support of the Cultural Affairs Advisor,
- Uniting members of the University community involved in the creation or support of economic activities in order to encourage the emergence of new projects and collaborations contributing to the economic development of the region, with particular attention to alumni.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 373283
Marc LABIE ( FWEG )First Vice-Rector for Economic, Social and Cultural Development and Student Affairs
Pierre Cornut has a degree in Geographical Sciences and a PhD in Science. An FNRS research fellow from 1995 to 1999, he completed his thesis at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the School o…Continue reading
Pierre CORNUT ( FAU )Student Affairs Advisor
Student Affairs AdvisorPierre Cornut has a degree in Geographical Sciences and a PhD in Science. An FNRS research fellow from 1995 to 1999, he completed his thesis at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the School of Geography at Oxford University on the topic of the geopolitics of water in Belgium and Europe. He then worked on the themes of territorial development and the city at the Institute for Environmental Management and Land-use Planning (IGEAT) of ULB.
From 2006 to 2015, he joined the UMONS Department for Research Support and Technology Transfer (DAVRE), which he managed from 2012 to 2015.
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, he teaches urban planning, urban sociology, land-use planning and cartographic representation.
His research focuses on urban planning, urban policies and environmental inequalities.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 552016
Pierre CORNUT ( FAU )Student Affairs Advisor
Thierry Dutoit is an electrical engineer and doctor in applied sciences. A specialist in voice synthesis, in 1996 his patents led to the creation of ACAPELA SA, a spin-off of UMONS, which now has 40 e…Continue reading
Thierry DUTOIT ( FPMS )Cultural Affairs Advisor
Cultural Affairs AdvisorThierry Dutoit is an electrical engineer and doctor in applied sciences. A specialist in voice synthesis, in 1996 his patents led to the creation of ACAPELA SA, a spin-off of UMONS, which now has 40 employees in Belgium, France and Sweden. He completed a 15-month postdoctoral fellowship at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA.
Since 2010, he has been the president of the UMONS NUMEDIART institute for creative technologies. Artificial intelligence is the main focus of his activities. In Mons, in 2016, he created the Walloon living lab of creative industries, CLICK’, which contributes to the development and creation of new activities in the creative industries sector. Since 2017, he has directed the Circuit Theory and Signal Processing Unit of the FMPs.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 374774
Thierry DUTOIT ( FPMS )Cultural Affairs Advisor
Claire Dupont has been a Doctor of Management Sciences since 2006. An associate professor at the Warocqué School of Business and Economics (FWEG), she teaches subjects related to human resource ma…Continue reading
Claire DUPONT ( FWEG )Equal Opportunities Advisor
Equal Opportunities AdvisorClaire Dupont has been a Doctor of Management Sciences since 2006. An associate professor at the Warocqué School of Business and Economics (FWEG), she teaches subjects related to human resource management. Her research focuses particularly on personnel development practices in SMEs. She also addresses the impact of telework on work/life balance and the inequalities that telework could generate, especially for women. She supervises the Human Resources and Responsible Organisations Unit at the FWEG. The research developed in this unit focuses on issues of human resource management and social responsibility.
Claire Dupont also served as vice president of the UMONS School of Human and Social Sciences from 2018 to 2022.
Contact :
065/37 32 93
Claire DUPONT ( FWEG )Equal Opportunities Advisor
Vice-rector : Diane Thomas (FPMs)
Advisor for Energy and Environmental Transitions: Marc Frère (FPMs)
Advisor for Social Transitions: Dimitri Cauchie (FPSE)
Territorial Resilience Advisor: Vincent Becue (FA➕U)
Diane Thomas teaches chemical engineering (unit operations, catalytic reactors, environmental technologies and petrochemical processes) as a full professor in Chemical and Biochemical…Continue reading
Diane THOMAS ( FPMS )Vice-Rector for Transitions, Sustainable Development and Societal Interactions
Vice-Rector for Transitions, Sustainable Development and Societal InteractionsDiane Thomas teaches chemical engineering (unit operations, catalytic reactors, environmental technologies and petrochemical processes) as a full professor in Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering Unit of the Faculty of Engineering, where she graduated as a chemical engineer 1991 and obtained a PhD in Applied Sciences in 1996. She was also a representative of the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) for nine years. Since 2002, she has also been an external lecturer at the École des Mines d’Alès (France). In her scientific research activities on environmental protection, Diane Thomas is particularly interested in air pollution abatement technologies and CO2 capture and conversion in the industrial sector. In this context, she has been the academic and scientific coordinator of a research chair established with a European consortium of cement manufacturers (ECRA) since 2013. She is also a scientific collaborator of the University of Liège and a member of the FNRS Doctoral School Commission. Diane Thomas has long been involved in the service of her faculty community through various promotional and communication activities, and more particularly since 2012 as President of the FPMs International Commission, which aims to boost the Incoming/Outgoing mobility of students at the FPMs. From 2014 to 2018, she was a member of the FPMs Executive Board as Faculty Secretary. With regard to the University of Mons, she was, between October 2018 until September 2022, Vice-Rector for the Promotion of Regional and Interregional Partnerships.
Specific Tasks
- Acting as an academic reference spokesperson in matters related to transitions and sustainable development
- Leading and supporting a Transitions-Sustainable Development action plan for UMONS, aiming particularly at more sustainable campuses, together with the Rector, the First Vice-Rector and the Administrator
- Supporting institutional activities concerning transitions and sustainable development in internal (academic) and external (partnership) contexts
- Coordinating actions to mobilise UMONS students on these themes in a transversal way
- Articulating the actions of the thematic advisors with regard to energy and environmental transitions, territorial resilience and social transitions
- Acting as the academic contact person for the coordination of the UMONS-CampusUCharleroi Unit, alongside the Academic Coordinator for Delocalised Sites.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 374404
Diane THOMAS ( FPMS )Vice-Rector for Transitions, Sustainable Development and Societal Interactions
Marc Frère est diplômé Ingénieur Civil Chimiste et Docteur en Sciences appliquées de la Faculté Polytechnique de l’Université de Mons. Il y commence sa carrière dans le Service de Thermodynamique et P…Continue reading
Marc FRERE ( FPMS )Sustainable Territorial Development Advisor
Sustainable Territorial Development AdvisorMarc Frère est diplômé Ingénieur Civil Chimiste et Docteur en Sciences appliquées de la Faculté Polytechnique de l’Université de Mons. Il y commence sa carrière dans le Service de Thermodynamique et Physique mathématique qu’il dirige actuellement.
Il développe des activités de recherche d’abord dans le domaine de la caractérisation des solides poreux pour ensuite s’orienter vers les applications énergétiques de la Thermodynamique (pompes à chaleur, machines frigorifiques, stockage d’énergie thermique), activités sur lesquelles sont basées ses enseignements.
Il participe à la création du Pôle de Recherche en Energie de la Faculté polytechnique de l’UMONS qui deviendra l’Institut de Recherche en Energie de l’UMONS.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 374206
Marc FRERE ( FPMS )Sustainable Territorial Development Advisor
Dimitri Cauchie is an associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPSE). He joined the Human Development and Data Processing Unit in 2007 as an assistant under mandate after ha…Continue reading
Dimitri CAUCHIE ( FPSE )Advisor for Social Transitions
Advisor for Social TransitionsDimitri Cauchie is an associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPSE). He joined the Human Development and Data Processing Unit in 2007 as an assistant under mandate after having obtained a Certificate of Lower Secondary Education in Economics and Applied Economics in 2004 (Haute Ecole Francisco Ferrer) and a Bachelor’s degree in Education in 2007 (University of Mons-Hainaut). He received his PhD in Psychology and Education from the University of Mons in 2013. He has developed teaching and research activities at the FPSE which focus on diversity management in professional and academic environments (more specifically cultural and gender diversity) from the perspective of equitable human development, favouring both individual well-being and inclusive co-existence. He has long been involved in various UMONS bodies, including roles on the Board of Directors, representing the University’s scientific staff, and as Secretary of the Faculty Council of the FPSE.
Contact :
Tél : +3265373198
Dimitri CAUCHIE ( FPSE )Advisor for Social Transitions
Vincent Becue is an architect with a PhD in building design and urban planning. He is a full professor and heads the Town and Regional Planning Unit of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planni…Continue reading
Vincent BECUE ( FA+U )Territorial Resilience Advisor
Territorial Resilience AdvisorVincent Becue is an architect with a PhD in building design and urban planning. He is a full professor and heads the Town and Regional Planning Unit of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning (FAU). He was Dean of the Faculty from 2010 (which is when the architecture institutions were integrated into the University) to 2018, which allowed him to be at the heart of the evolution of teaching and research in the field of architecture and urban planning.
Since 2005, he has also been a teacher-researcher at the Ecole des Ingénieurs de la ville de Paris, where he was at one time responsible for the public space and development department.
His courses are related to the urban planning of transitions, cities confronting climate change, and urban and territorial resilience.
They focus on urban planning through a resilience and diversity course and on the challenges of sustainable cities.
His scientific involvement can be summarised as follows: the adaptation of cities and territories to climate change.
His research, closely linked to his teaching, aims to prepare the emergence of new generations of professionals in urban planning practices.
His diverse areas of expertise in urban planning of transitions are interconnected via:
- “Academic” actions based on the use of scientific methods to study vulnerability and resilience, while at the same time questioning the future in order to invent new models of evolution and empowering trajectories for the territory with students and researchers.
- “Hands-on” actions, with intermunicipal organisations, local authorities, companies, urban planners, architects, etc., with the aim of transferring knowledge and helping to create projects in the region.
Contact :
Vincent BECUE ( FA+U )Territorial Resilience Advisor
Vice-rector : Ruddy Wattiez (FS)
Advisor for Doctoral Affairs: Véronique Delvaux (FPSE)
Advisor for Economic Interactions and Entrepreneurship: Jonathan Bauweraets (FWEG)
Innovation Advisor: Fabian Lecron (FPMs)
With a PhD in Chemical Sciences, Ruddy Wattiez’s career as a researcher has been in the field of chemistry, and more particularly in biochemistry and protein chemistry. He graduated f…Continue reading
Ruddy WATTIEZ ( FS )Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and EntrepreneurshipWith a PhD in Chemical Sciences, Ruddy Wattiez’s career as a researcher has been in the field of chemistry, and more particularly in biochemistry and protein chemistry. He graduated from the UMH and obtained his PhD in 1990. He then undertook numerous training periods in foreign institutions, such as the Beckman Research Center (USA) and the Institut de Biosciences et Biotechnologies of the CEA in Grenoble. After being appointed as a qualified FNRS researcher, he became director of the Proteomics and Microbiology Unit in 2007 and then professor in 2011. Over the years, his expertise in protein chemistry has led him to forge numerous links with foreign institutions, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, UC Berkeley, the University of Stirling, the Institut Pasteur in Paris and the European Space Agency. He initiated the creation of the Belgian Proteomics Association and the UMONS Biosciences Research Institute, of which he was president for almost 4 years. Based on his experience, he developed, and is currently director of, the inter-university bioprofiling platform. After serving as Dean of the Faculty of Science in 2016, he is now Scientific Director of the Materia Nova Research Centre. He was Vice-Rector for Research at UMONS from 2018 to 2022.
Specific Tasks
- Promoting and supporting institutional activities in the field of research, innovation and entrepreneurship
- Coordinating actions to promote research and entrepreneurship within our institution in order to improve its quality
- Coordinating the actions of the thematic advisors in their respective fields
- Representing our institution in the Commission of Vice-Rectors for Research of the universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB).
- Acting as the academic point of reference for issues related to research, innovation and entrepreneurship;
- Representing our institution on various external scientific committees when they concern institutional research and innovation, in particular the FNRS Support Committee
- Guiding and supporting the strategic orientations related to the functioning of the Department of Research Administration and Valorisation (DAVRE), together with the Rector and the Vice-Rector for Transitions, Sustainable Development and Societal Interactions.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 373312
Ruddy WATTIEZ ( FS )Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Véronique Delvaux’s qualifications include a degree in Romance languages and literature, the AESS upper secondary education certificate (ULg, 1997) and a PhD in philosophy and literature with a li…Continue reading
Véronique DELVAUX ( FPSE )Advisor for Doctoral Affairs
Advisor for Doctoral AffairsVéronique Delvaux’s qualifications include a degree in Romance languages and literature, the AESS upper secondary education certificate (ULg, 1997) and a PhD in philosophy and literature with a linguistic focus (phonology laboratory, ULB, 2003).
Véronique Delvaux joined the University of Mons in 2004 (then known as the University of Mons-Hainaut – UMH), where she currently works in the Language Sciences and Metrology Unit. As a post-doctoral researcher and project leader, she contributes to several projects on the cognitive mechanisms associated with speech production and perception in various contexts, such as language teaching and learning and language pathologies.
In 2014, Véronique Delvaux became an FNRS Qualified Researcher at UMONS and developed her research activities around phonetic control and flexibility within the Phonetics Laboratory (FPSE) and the Research Institute for Language Science and Technology (IRSTL). She teaches at UMONS and ULB in the field of language sciences (linguistics, experimental phonetics, phonology, clinical phonetics) and research methodology (paradigms and instrumentation in human sciences).
Véronique Delvaux is an expert for various international research agencies and a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals in speech.
At UMONS, Véronique Delvaux has held several institutional positions (member of the Scientific Body of UMH, the Faculty Council of the FPSE, the Library Council and the Research Council of UMONS). Since October 2021, she has chaired the IRSTL, which brings together more than 100 researchers from four faculties of UMONS.
Contact :
Véronique DELVAUX ( FPSE )Advisor for Doctoral Affairs
Jonathan Bauweraerts holds a Master's degree in Management from the University of Mons and was awarded a FRESH grant from the FNRS in 2012 to conduct his doctoral research. He became a Doctor in E…Continue reading
Jonathan BAUWERAERTS ( FWEG )Advisor for Economic Interactions and Entrepreneurship
Advisor for Economic Interactions and EntrepreneurshipJonathan Bauweraerts holds a Master’s degree in Management from the University of Mons and was awarded a FRESH grant from the FNRS in 2012 to conduct his doctoral research. He became a Doctor in Economics and Management in 2015.
Associate Professor at the Warocqué School of Business and Economics (FWEG) since 2019, he is a member of the Accounting, Auditing, Risk Management and Entrepreneurship Unit, and teaches several subjects related to risk management.
His research focuses on understanding the growth strategies and governance patterns adopted by family businesses. Many of them are the result of international collaborations with renowned research centres in this field (CeFeo, Bolzano Centre for Family Business Management, FABULA, etc.).
Finally, Jonathan Bauweraerts participates in various working groups at the FWEG, and is heavily implicated in the structuring and setting up of research projects.
Contact :
Tel : +32 65 37-32-76
Jonathan BAUWERAERTS ( FWEG )Advisor for Economic Interactions and Entrepreneurship
Fabian Lecron obtained an engineering degree in Computer Science and Management from the former Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (FPMs) in 2008 and a PhD in Engineering Sciences from the Uni…Continue reading
Fabian LECRON ( FPMS )Innovation Advisor
Innovation AdvisorFabian Lecron obtained an engineering degree in Computer Science and Management from the former Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (FPMs) in 2008 and a PhD in Engineering Sciences from the University of Mons (UMONS) in 2013. His first research focused on the development of machine learning models to improve the diagnosis and treatment of spinal deformities. While undertaking his PhD thesis, he spent 6 months at the École Polytechnique de Montréal in their computer engineering department. He is currently an associate professor in the Technological Innovation Management Unit, focusing his research activities on data mining applied to management issues, such as the development of recommender systems, process mining, and AI applied to innovation, with a focus on explainable artificial intelligence. He recently supervised a PhD thesis on explainable data mining applied to medical diagnoses. He is currently supervising three PhD theses.
Contact :
Fabian LECRON ( FPMS )Innovation Advisor
Vice-rector : Laurence Ris (FMP)
International Mobility Advisor : Marta Bonet Bofill (FTI-EII)
Advisor for Development Cooperation: Pierre Duez (FMP)
Advisor for Internationalisation “at home” and International Placements: Véronique Vitry (FPMs)
A UMH biology graduate in 1994 and a Doctor of Biology since 1997, Laurence Ris specialises in the field of neurosciences and more specifically in the mechanisms of memory and learnin…Continue reading
Laurence RIS ( FMP )Vice-Rector for International Relations, Mobility and Cooperation
Vice-Rector for International Relations, Mobility and CooperationA UMH biology graduate in 1994 and a Doctor of Biology since 1997, Laurence Ris specialises in the field of neurosciences and more specifically in the mechanisms of memory and learning. As a research fellow at the FNRS, she carried out a research stay at the Collège de France in Paris (CNRS) and wrote a thesis on brain plasticity in 2002. She then spent time at the University College of London (WIBR) before being appointed FNRS qualified researcher in 2003 in the Neuroscience Unit of UMH. She developed expertise in the field of electrophysiology and plasticity of neuronal connections, which is recognised through her national and international collaborations. She has been an associate professor since 2012 and a full professor since 2018. She was Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy between 2014 and 2022 and is in charge of the biomedical section, where she set up a specialised Master’s degree programme in Neuroscience in 2019, and which is available entirely in English. She is co-founder of the UMONS Interdisciplinary Centre for Psychophysiology and Electrophysiology of Cognition (CiPsE). She was president of the Belgian Neuroscience Society from 2015 to 2017 and has been president of the Belgian Brain Council since 2021. She is a member of the scientific committee of the Belgian Alzheimer Research Foundation and secretary of the international ALBA network promoting equity and diversity in brain sciences. Sensitive to development cooperation, she is also the coordinator of an R&D project in partnership with the University of Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Specific Tasks
- Supporting the Rector and the institutional strategy for international development
- Enriching the lives of students, teachers and staff through international mobility and awareness of European and global citizenship, with the support of her advisors
- Strengthening the attractiveness of UMONS to international students, teachers and researchers, in close interaction with the members of the academic authorities
- Promoting and increasing international mobility by developing balanced exchange opportunities with our foreign partners and by fostering links between teaching and research
- Offering our students an opening to the world and access to new training courses through internationalisation “at home” opportunities and through the development of the EUNICE Alliance of European Universities
- Strengthening development cooperation and raising the profile of our relations with our partners in the South in order to make our students aware of the challenges of development and to promote sustainable action
- Supporting the International Relations Office in the implementation of international development strategies.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 373570
Laurence RIS ( FMP )Vice-Rector for International Relations, Mobility and Cooperation
Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation since 1997, Marta Bonet Bofill is part of the Specialised Translation and Terminology Unit. Her teaching activities include translat…Continue reading
Marta BONET BOFILL ( FTI-EII )International Mobility Advisor
International Mobility AdvisorTeaching Assistant at the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation since 1997, Marta Bonet Bofill is part of the Specialised Translation and Terminology Unit. Her teaching activities include translation and terminology, the language and culture of Spain and Latin America, as well as the production of speeches for the teaching of conference interpreting. Her applied research activities have led her to collaborate with the European Parliament on a terminology pilot project related to the IATE terminology bank. Outside of her teaching activities, she has supervised several Master’s translation projects in various fields, such as respect for human rights, medical prevention, and prison conditions in Spain. With the support of Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI), she has also conducted several seminars at Bolivian universities to develop the teaching of translation in Bolivia.
For over 15 years, Marta Bonet Bofill has coordinated Erasmus mobility for the Spanish department of the FTI-EII. Influenced by her time as an ERASMUS student at the School of International Interpreters of Mons in 1992, she has always sought to encourage the incoming and outgoing mobility of students and teachers of the FTI-EII. She has also initiated more than a dozen new partnerships with Spain and, more recently, has contributed to the promotion of new agreements in Latin America, in particular with the University of Concepción (UdeC) in Chile. A new collaboration with the University of Havana in Cuba is currently underway.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 373613
Marta BONET BOFILL ( FTI-EII )International Mobility Advisor
A Pharmacist and Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pierre Duez managed the Laboratory of Pharmacognosy, Food Science and Human Nutrition at ULB for more than 10 years. Appointed full time at UMONS in…Continue reading
Pierre DUEZ ( FMP )Conseiller pour la coopération au développement
Conseiller pour la coopération au développementA Pharmacist and Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pierre Duez managed the Laboratory of Pharmacognosy, Food Science and Human Nutrition at ULB for more than 10 years. Appointed full time at UMONS in 2013, he has created the Therapeutic Chemistry and Pharmacognosy Unit. His team, specialising in the study of natural products, isolates the active principles of plants selected by ethnopharmacology and characterises them structurally and pharmacologically. He is member of the Traditional Chinese Medicines Unit of the European Pharmacopoeia, as well as a member of the Working Party on European Union Monographs and European Union List, the Belgian Pharmacopoeia Commission, the Belgian Commission for the Registration of Veterinary and Herbal Medicines, the Good Practices in Traditional Chinese Medicines Research Association (on the management committee), and the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (subcommittees monitoring pharmaceutical post-marketing and analysis).
Active since 1982 in development cooperation (Algeria, Argentina, Burkina Faso, Uganda, DR Congo, China, Rwanda, Madagascar, and Vietnam), Pierre Duez has participated in many projects and has been (co-)supervisor of theses for students from the South. He is a supervisor at the Institutional Support Department (AI) at the University of Lubumbashi and supervises a Research Project for Development (PRD) for the universities of Ouagadougou and Lubumbashi.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 373509
Pierre DUEZ ( FMP )Conseiller pour la coopération au développement
Véronique Vitry is a materials science engineer and has a PhD in Applied Sciences from UMONS. She is currently an associate professor and a senior research and teaching associate in the Metallurgy Uni…Continue reading
Véronique VITRY ( FPMS )On-campus Internationalisation Advisor
On-campus Internationalisation AdvisorVéronique Vitry is a materials science engineer and has a PhD in Applied Sciences from UMONS. She is currently an associate professor and a senior research and teaching associate in the Metallurgy Unit of the Faculty of Engineering. Her research is focused on metal coatings, metal matrix composites and metallurgical processes.
Her courses, many of which are taught in English using the CLIL approach, are mainly on metallurgical processes.
She is the president of the Northern France/Belgium section, and a member of the board, of A3TS (Association des Traitements Thermiques et Traitements de Surface), and is equally invested in ASM International and one of its affiliated companies, the Failure Analysis Society (president of the International Relations Committee, and Women in Materials Engineering committee member).
She is also involved in development cooperation projects and maintains collaborations with Morocco, Niger and Burkina Faso.
Véronique Vitry has held several positions at UMONS as the representative for scientific staff. She has also been the artistic director of the UMONS Student and Staff Band (USSB) since 2010.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 374438
Véronique VITRY ( FPMS )On-campus Internationalisation Advisor
Vice-rector : Laurent Lefebvre (FPSE)
Advisor for Continuing Education: Willy Lahaye (FPSE)
Advisor for Digital Education Strategies: Bruno De Lièvre (FPSE)
Advisor for Success and Transition from Secondary to Higher Education: Mélanie Volral (FWEG)
Laurent Lefebvre obtained his PhD in Psychology and Education from the University of Mons-Hainaut (UMH) in 2006, became first assistant in 2008 and full-time associate professor in 20…Continue reading
Laurent LEFEBVRE ( FPSE )Vice-Rector for Education, Lifelong Learning and Work-related Training and Academic Partnerships
Vice-Rector for Education, Lifelong Learning and Work-related Training and Academic PartnershipsLaurent Lefebvre obtained his PhD in Psychology and Education from the University of Mons-Hainaut (UMH) in 2006, became first assistant in 2008 and full-time associate professor in 2012, creating the Cognitive Psychology and Neuropsychology Unit, of which he heads. In the same year, he became Vice-President of the newly created Health Institute until 2018. Elected Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education in 2014, a position he still holds, he became an Ordinary Professor in 2016. He is also co-founder of the UMONS Interdisciplinary Centre of Psychophysiology and Electrophysiology (CiPsE). His teaching and research activities focus on neuropsychology, and more particularly the language and communication difficulties presented by people suffering from a neurodegenerative pathology, and more specifically by those with Alzheimer’s disease. He is currently involved in several international and regional consortiums on this subject, via numerous partnerships with the hospitals of Hainaut.
Specific Tasks
- Promoting the transition to university, through increased collaborations with secondary and higher education institutions, through activities aimed at discovering the university world and actions aimed at integrating into university life
- Continuing the actions in the field of “support for success”
- Guiding and supporting students during their university studies and post-graduate career
- Encouraging the use of innovative pedagogical devices for teaching (E-learning, MOOCs, flipped classrooms, interactive tools) through the training of new academic and scientific staff and by ensuring techno-pedagogical support
- Developing quality continuing education in line with society’s expectations
- Promoting flexible and inclusive educational provisions that take into account the diversity of the student body
- Strengthening our partnerships both within the Pôle hainuyer and the EUNICE European Alliance
- Increasing the range of courses offered at UMONS, with priority given to creating Master’s degrees for the Bachelor’s degrees already on offer at UMONS
- Offering a training environment adapted to the evolution of the institution and society
- Continuing to enhance the pedagogical quality of teaching
- Acting as the academic point of contact for educational issues
- Representing UMONS in the CREF Education Council (Vice-Rectors for Education) and in official bodies, such as ARES.
Contact :
Tel : +3265373128
Laurent LEFEBVRE ( FPSE )Vice-Rector for Education, Lifelong Learning and Work-related Training and Academic Partnerships
Willy LAHAYE est Philosophe et Docteur en sciences psychologiques et de l’éducation. Il est professeur ordinaire à l’Université de Mons où il dirige le service de pédagogie et andragogie sociales et l…Continue reading
Willy LAHAYE ( FPSE )Conseiller pour la formation continue et en alternance
Conseiller pour la formation continue et en alternanceWilly LAHAYE est Philosophe et Docteur en sciences psychologiques et de l’éducation. Il est professeur ordinaire à l’Université de Mons où il dirige le service de pédagogie et andragogie sociales et le centre de recherche en inclusion sociale (CeRIS). Ses recherches et publications sont orientées sur la co-éducation, les relations école-famille-communauté ainsi que les formes et mécanismes de la précarité. Dans ce dernier axe de recherche, Willy Lahaye développe une expertise dans les domaines de la pauvreté infantile et la précarité énergétique. Ces deux domaines d’étude et d’intervention impliquent Willy Lahaye et son équipe de recherche dans le cadre de relations internationales tant au niveau universitaire qu’en lien avec les entreprises publiques et privées. Avec l’Université de Gand et l’Université d’Anvers, il a coordonné la publication de sept éditions de l’Annuaire « Pauvreté en Belgique ». Il préside également le Groupe belge interuniversitaire de recherche en pauvreté (GIREP).
Contact :
Willy LAHAYE ( FPSE )Conseiller pour la formation continue et en alternance
Bruno De Lièvre is a full professor at the UMONS Faculty of Psychology and Education. He manages a teaching and research unit, the focus of which on digital technology to facilitate learning. Within t…Continue reading
Bruno DE LIEVRE ( FPSE )Digital Strategies for Teaching Advisor
Digital Strategies for Teaching AdvisorBruno De Lièvre is a full professor at the UMONS Faculty of Psychology and Education. He manages a teaching and research unit, the focus of which on digital technology to facilitate learning. Within the field of Education Sciences lies the sub-field of Education Technology, which questions the conditions for effective learning to take place. What is analysed is the interaction between pedagogical methods, technological tools and those involved in the educational process, which mainly implicates teachers and learners. Technologies in perpetual evolution (virtual reality, social networks, digital tablets, Web 2.0, etc.) lead to constantly questioning emerging pedagogical practices (MOOCs, mobile learning, hybridisation of training, edu-labs, etc.) and essentially the learning processes that are implemented in these devices (collaborative activities, remote interactions, peer-evaluation, ubiquity, space management, etc.). Bruno De Lièvre actively collaborates with many universities in the South on these topics and has coordinated the “Successful Digital Transition” working group for the Pacte pour un enseignement d’Excellence (pact for excellence in education) in the French Community of Belgium. He interacts with these different objects via different digital platforms, such as Scoop-It, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and ResearchGate.
Contact :
Tél. : +32 65 373122
Bruno DE LIEVRE ( FPSE )Digital Strategies for Teaching Advisor
A Doctor of Economics and Management (University of Mons, 2010), Mélanie Volral is a Professor in the Economics Unit of the Warocqué School of Business and Economics (FWEG), where she mai…Continue reading
Mélanie VOLRAL ( FWEG )Advisor for Success and Transition from Secondary to Higher Education
Advisor for Success and Transition from Secondary to Higher EducationA Doctor of Economics and Management (University of Mons, 2010), Mélanie Volral is a Professor in the Economics Unit of the Warocqué School of Business and Economics (FWEG), where she mainly teaches applied statistical and econometric methods.
Her research interests lie in the field of personnel economics, with a view to analysing the influence of various human resource management practices on the performance of companies and the well-being of workers. In recent years, Mélanie Volral has mainly focused her work on the socio-economic consequences of immigration, in order to better understand the situation of people of foreign origin on the Belgian labour market.
Teaching the first year of the Bachelor’s course, Mélanie Volral has always taken a keen interest in being involved in activities which promote and support student success. She was also the Vice-Dean of her Faculty for eight years (2014-2022) and is the spokesperson of the Thematic Doctoral School in Management Sciences, which is jointly organised by ULB, ULiège and UMONS.
Contact :
Tél : +3265373284
Mélanie VOLRAL ( FWEG )Advisor for Success and Transition from Secondary to Higher Education