Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning offers teaching geared towards a career in architecture, from the very first year!

At the end of a 5-year programme, the FA+U awards a :

  • Master’s in Architecture
  • Master’s in Urban Design and Territorial Development

Studies in architecture include several different disciplines, for example humanities and the techniques and art of construction. These disciplines are covered because they respond to society’s needs, and as such, we are training our graduates to be sensitive and responsible in their conception of space. Their work should contribute actively to the environment in which it is constructed, to innovation and to the way our lifestyles change over time.

The increasing complexity of building processes, construction-related tasks and new urban and environmental challenges, opens doors to a wide range of professions.

Aside from the construction of urban and suburban buildings, the training offered can lead to many other trades, including those in the fields of urban planning, regional planning, heritage restoration, and energy.

Contact person

Faculty secretary
88, Rue d'Havré
7000 Mons
+32 (0) 65 55 48 10