Interuniversity Certificate in

BIM-oriented Building Data Modelling (DATA4BIM)

  • Schedule
    Daytime schedule
  • ECTS Credits
  • Language


The Architecture, Engineering and Construction sector is undergoing profound digital change. Initiated several decades ago, this movement has had an impact on the tools and methods used in graphic production in the quest for speed and realism. Today, the digital transition is more structural, impacting on the creative and organisational processes of architectural and urban projects. This change can be explained by the increasing availability and accessibility of architectural, urban and technical data (information). The concept of data is often associated with that of the digital model, which enables data to be collected, structured and shared in the form of object-oriented models. These offer the possibility of describing the non-geometric properties of architectural and technical objects in detail, giving them a semantic dimension. The digital mock-up is currently being exploited as an integrated and comprehensive solution to replace old digital representation methods. It offers greater potential for modification and sharing, making it possible to integrate and meet the needs of several players. This aspect is currently being (gradually) integrated into the various university, non-university and vocational training courses. The data is produced and used by the various players involved in the architectural and urban project, the site supervisor, the various design offices and the design architect. The creation, organisation and management of these data flows have necessitated the introduction of protocols for organising the practices and interactions between the players involved. New semantic building modelling practices are emerging. These are very poorly integrated into professional structures, with a fairly limited range of appropriate training courses on offer, particularly in Charleroi and Mons. Professional structures (design offices, architectural offices, construction companies) need appropriate training to raise awareness, train and develop the skills of their employees in the creation of digital mock-ups (BIM models). These skills can then be complemented by the UX4BIM training course on the use of data from digital models available in Charleroi as part of a collaboration between the Université Libre de Bruxelles, the University of Mons and the Université Ouverte de Charleroi.

Brochure CIU DATA4BIM 2023-2024

Extra information

Courses are taught in the buildings of the University of Mons in Charleroi, on the UCharleroi Campus (Zénobe Gramme Building, Boulevard Solvay n°31 – 6000 Charleroi).

Program and structure

Main subjects taught

Theoretical Module:

  • Raising awareness of the concept of digital mock-ups
  • Introduction to BIM

Practical Module:

  • Learning techniques for creating digital mock-ups using different software packages
  • Interoperability and exchange protocol

Final Assessment Module

  • Personal semantic modelling project using a tool of your choice
  • Practical work or internships
  • Practical work on BIM-oriented architectural modelling

Classes are held on Fridays and Saturdays at the Université Ouverte.

Access conditions

Holders of a Master's degree in Architecture, Engineering, or Architectural Engineering or a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering Sciences; Holders of a Bachelor's degree (Architecture, Construction) with 3 years' experience in the field. For anyone who does not meet these conditions: admission on the basis of a portfolio of work experience assessed by the admissions panel made up of the various course coordinators and chaired by the Dean of the UMONS Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning. Particular attention will be paid to candidates' professional experience.

Learning outcomes

Candidates registered on, and participating in, the learning activities of the course must be able to:

Understand the role of BIM (Building Information Modelling) in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector

  • Analyse a BIM protocol and use it as a guide to develop digital mock-up modelling practices
  • Master at least one BIM-oriented semantic modelling tool (Revit/ArchiCAD)
  • Integrate design and/or construction data into digital mock-ups in accordance with BIM standards

About this training

Architecture and Urban Planning
Co-diplomation / co-organization
UMONS - Haute Ecole Provinciale de Hainaut - Condorcet
Registration fees
2500 €
Referring institution
Partner institutions
Haute Ecole Provinciale de Hainaut - Condorcet et Université Ouverte de Charleroi

Contact us for more info

Responsable académique : Mohamed-Anis Gallas
+32 (0) 65 55 48 33