Doctorate in

Arts and Art Sciences

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  • ECTS Credits
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A doctorate marks the third cycle of university studies leading to a PhD. This qualification is awarded by the Faculty following the submission of a doctoral thesis.

A PhD student’s work involves a combination of research and personalised training, leading to the acquisition of cutting-edge scientific knowledge in their field as well as a wide range of cross-disciplinary skills.

Throughout their research, PhD students work alongside a supervisor, who helps, guides and advises them. While a PhD is a personal project, it is also an integral part of a local, national and international scientific network, which gives it meaning and scientific significance.

Access conditions

The PhD in Art and Art Sciences is open to students with a Master’s degree in Plastic, Visual and Spatial Arts, Music, Theatre and the Spoken Word, Performing Arts, Broadcasting and Communication Techniques, or an equivalent degree. The specific admissions committee for the PhD in Art and Art Sciences is appointed by the Faculty Board and consults the co-supervisor and the director of the École Supérieure des Arts for which each application is submitted. The admission conditions are outlined in the Doctoral Regulations available.

Program and structure

The PhD in Art and Art Sciences is made up of a practical part, consisting of an artistic production or restoration project involving one or more art works, and a theoretical part, consisting of a written thesis. The two are closely linked, forming a whole, which is the subject of the final assessment. The practical and theoretical aspects of research are always carried out together, with the artistic work interacting with the theoretical reflection. This dual aspect of the PhD in Art and Art Sciences makes it necessary for universities and art colleges (in Belgium and abroad) to collaborate in supporting PhD students in this field. Co-supervision is compulsory, due to the specific nature of the thesis, which requires supervision and support for both the theoretical and practical aspects. A supervisor from the University must therefore be assisted by a co-supervisor who teaches at an Arts College and who agrees to jointly supervise the thesis work.

PhD students in Art and Art Sciences must complete a doctoral programme consisting of compulsory activities (thematic and methodological seminars) and optional activities to acquire the credits needed to submit their research work. Throughout this training, the various scientific activities (participation in a colloquium, conference, publication, research trip abroad) that constitute the intermediate stages in writing the research paper can also be validated with credits.


A PhD in Art and Art Sciences provides researchers with the expertise they need to pursue a broad range of careers in academic or artistic teaching, cultural institutions, museums and, more generally, the world of art.

About this training

Arts and Art Sciences