Urban Planning and Territorial Development
ScheduleDaytime schedule
ECTS Credits120
The aim of this Master’s programme is to train highly qualified urban planners who are capable of responding to the contemporary regional planning challenges (climatic, demographic, socio-economic, environmental, etc.) that territories have to face today. This course focuses on the need to rethink the feasibility of regional projects from a perspective of transition. This objective implies :
- Raising awareness of the impact of human activity
- Integrating interrelationships within an inhabited environment essential for ecosystem balances
- Decompartmentalising scales, disciplines and players
- Experimenting with different territorial, cultural and professional contexts.
Target audience
The roles and responsibilities that graduates of this Master’s degree, which is geared towards the operationalisation of projects, will be expected to take on will involve activities relating to the control and construction of the conditions for the feasibility of urban and regional projects. It is therefore aimed at public and private project managers who are able to manage and steer the various aspects of project dynamics (social, economic, financial, legal and political).
Extra information
UMONS, the lead institution, will be responsible for centralising the administrative and academic management of the programme and its students. Please note: some learning activities, in particular complementary courses, may be organised at the Mons and/or Brussels sites.
Program and structure
The teaching approach developed is based on both a reflective dimension, through the teaching of various theoretical courses, and an operational dimension, through workshops and a work placement. The teaching is multi-disciplinary and confronts students with the different fields that characterise urban planning and territorial development from a project perspective. The curriculum is structured around four pillars, which serve as the foundation for each of the four terms :
- Analysis & Awareness
- Design & Summarise
- Mobilise & Operationalise
- Criticism & Entering the professional world
These different foundations are directly linked to the possible career opportunities offered by this course. Analysis involves diagnostic work and studies in observatories and territorial knowledge.
Design involves project management in design offices and planning offices. Operationalisation involves assisting contracting authorities, project management, the operational urban planning sector and also the non-profit sector. The critical approach involves the research sector.
Access conditions
The general access conditions are those set out in Article 111 of the Decree of 7th November 2013 defining the structure of higher education and the academic organisation of studies.
Using the search tool below, select the title of the higher education qualification you have obtained in the French Community. Based on the qualification obtained, the search results will indicate whether access to the Master's or Advanced Master's in question requires you to follow a complementary programme and, if so, the minimum and maximum number of credits that will be imposed by the board, according to your profile.
Teaching profile
The programme description defines the expected learning outcomes, i.e. what the student should know, understand and be able to achieve at the end of a learning activity, a teaching unit or a study cycle (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.). Learning outcomes are defined in terms of knowledge, expertise and soft skills.
List of general skills covered by the course :
1. Supporting local governance choices :
- Developing management and governance skills specific to urban and regional planning processes
- Contributing to the development of knowledge and its dissemination to professionals and the general public
- Integrating the different expectations of stakeholders involved in the environment, urban planning and regional development
- Supporting project dynamics (technical management/political management)
- Interacting with all stakeholders
2. Analysing the dynamics of the creation and transformation of territories: reference to theories, historical processes, constraints and potentialities, the interplay of players, at the various relevant spatial and temporal scales in order to identify the issues and set out forward-looking scenarios :
- Identifying the different working hypotheses in relation to an urban planning problem and linked to urban and rural policy
- Demonstrating research, analysis and evaluation skills, as well as the ability to make appropriate decisions based on quantitative and qualitative evidence
- Mastering the challenges of adapting and transforming space
- Identifying and articulate the different components that make up an urban or regional context
- Coordinating the various disciplines involved in spatial planning across the board
- Mastering the contemporary societal challenges of regional planning
3. Mastering the tools, techniques and urban and regional engineering of observation, investigation, analysis, forecasting, representation, negotiation and communication :
- Using assessment tools to recognise the contribution that planning can make to the built and natural environments, and in particular to the consequences of climate and socio-economic change
- Integrating the principles of equality and social justice, through a participatory approach to urban planning, in order to promote the involvement of different communities and to assess the importance and effectiveness of community involvement in the planning process
4. Designing and mobilising tools and mechanisms to build cities and transform territories in response to the issues and desired directions, sensitive to the challenges of social, economic and ecological transition :
- Working as part of an interdisciplinary team to draw up urban and regional projects on different scales and in specific contexts
- Demonstrating, within urban and regional projects, how the efficient and equitable management of resources, economic redevelopment and social innovation are strongly linked to transitional urban planning
5. Drawing up a critical and personal analysis of theories and practices, while demonstrating their ability and the value of their personal skills to enter the professional world and the debate on the future of cities and regions :
- Explaining, through critical analysis, the political and methodological nature of sustainable urbanism and reflect on how planners work effectively within democratic decision-making structures
- Evaluating the principles and processes of participatory design to create high quality places and improve the public realm for the benefit of everyone in society
- Assuming the social responsibility of urban planners by adapting their professional practice over time and according to context
The roles and responsibilities that graduates of this Master's degree will be expected to take on, as major players in the transition of our societies and their territories, will be part of professional developments in the design, planning and management of territories. These open up both the public and private sectors, in terms of project management, for those commissioning urban planning and regional development projects, and for service providers who offer their skills in response to clients' needs.