Interuniversity Certificate in

PlaniCrise – Anticipatory and Interdisciplinary Risk and Crisis Management

  • Schedule
    Daytime schedule
  • ECTS Credits
  • Language


Developments in society, technology and the climate over the last few decades have exposed people to unprecedented risks, extending the responsibilities of local public authorities into areas that are as varied as they are complex. Against this backdrop, local authorities, businesses and emergency services involved in emergency planning and crisis management are expressing a growing demand for advanced training.

To this end, the Interuniversity Certificate in Anticipatory and Interdisciplinary Risk and Crisis Management complements the existing training offer with a course involving various partners from the professional and academic worlds, each contributing their expertise.

The course offers a comprehensive approach to the various aspects of anticipation, contingency planning and crisis management, including legal, institutional, communication and organisational aspects.

Target audience

This programme is targeted towards:

  • Emergency planning coordinators as designated by the Royal Decree of 22nd May 2019 on emergency planning and crisis management
  • Local authorities, mayors and council members, directors-general of municipalities, emergency planning or communications coordinators (at municipal or provincial level), national or regional crisis centre staff
  • Actors from different disciplines (rescue areas, local police areas, federal police, defence, civil protection, etc.)
  • People from public or private organisations that may be involved in emergency planning and crisis management (high-risk companies – Seveso, transport companies, prisons, etc.).

Program and structure

The course includes theoretical and expert training, a large number of practical exercises and a final dissertation. The 30 credits are divided as follows:

  • General principles of risk and crisis management (theories and concepts, players, prevention, communication) – 5 credits
  • A series of lectures on topical subjects in Belgium and abroad – 1 credit
  • Specialised subjects – 21 credits: Territorial Resilience (UMONS), Technological Risks (UMONS), Multidisciplinary Management of Emergency Situations (ULB), National Crisis Management and International Aspects (NCCN), Risk Culture (CRC-W), Risk and Heritage – Preventive Conservation and Crisis Management Approaches (UCLouvain), Emergency Planning Techniques (ULiège), Crisis Communication (ULiège), Major Events (ULiège).
  • A dissertation – 3 credits

Credits repartition

  • Specialised subjects
  • General principles
  • Dissertation
  • Lectures

Access conditions

  • Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree
  • And have been in higher education for two years and have 5 years' experience in a field related to the certificate; admission will be based on an Accrediation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL - Valorisation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE)) application, which will be submitted to the admissions panel at the start of the course.
  • Exemptions will be granted depending on the university course followed.

About this training

Human and Social Sciences
Political and Social Sciences
Co-diplomation / co-organization
Registration fees
2700 €
Referring institution
Université de Liège
Partner institutions
UCLouvain – ULB - UMONS

Contact us for more info

Aline Thiry
+32 (0) 4 366 91 07