Career Prospects
All courses offered by the FWEG provide various career opportunities for their graduates. They acquire expertise in a wide range of functions related to organisation, administration, business management, finance, human resources, studies, and analysis. This expertise can be used both in private companies and in public bodies and institutions, both in Belgium and abroad.
Prospects for Studies in Economics and Management
Here are just some of the potential career opportunities for those who have studied Economics and Management at the FWEG:
Prospects for the MA in Economic and Social Policy
Here are just some of the potential career opportunities for those who have studied Economics and Social Policy at the FWEG:
- Manage a department of a private or public enterprise
- Exercise economic, political or social responsibilities in a local, regional, federal government
- Be part of a large national or international institution as a collaborator, a consultant, etc.
- Work in the field of social economy
- Teach
- Develop a political career
- Be a researcher in an economic, political or social field
Son job ? Responsable du Département Ecologie Fédération belge des Industries de Ciment
Je travaille dans un environnement dynamique et sur des matières en constante évolution. Ma fonction m…