From theory to practice

Les études universitaires sont souvent réputées pour être des études très théoriques. Certes, nous devons inculquer des bases théoriques aux étudiants mais nous devons également leur offrir la possibilité de mettre les notions apprises en pratique afin qu’ils soient le plus opérationnels possibles lorsqu’ils rejoindront le monde du travail. Cette approche pratique passe par la réalisation d’études de cas, l’organisation de séminaires, l’invitation de représentants du monde professionnel dans les cours, l’organisation de visites d’entreprises…

Voici quelques éléments qui vous démontreront que la pratique prend une place importante à la FWEG.

A cutting edge trading room

The FWEG has had a trading room for a few years now, and only the University of Liège and the University of Mons offer such a tool to their students. It is a room in which students and researchers have real-time access to all the global stock quotes. Financial information is available on more than 250,000 financial assets, which helps to understand financial mechanisms and understand any associated drawbacks.
Finance courses use this tool to enable students to professionalise their knowledge.

The FWEG is associated with La Maison de l’Entreprise (LME) in Mons and the Agence pour l’Entreprise & l’Innovation (AEI) and together they organise a module in Entrepreneurship (a similar programme is available in collaboration with SME 3000, and takes places in the evenings and at weekends in Charleroi). The module is accessible at Master level, the objectives of which are to:

  • Develop and boost entrepreneurship.
  • Support students in the analysis and development of their personal business project.
  • Propose innovations and create start-ups.
  • Support local development through the creation of businesses and jobs.

Entrepreneurship also entails:

Coaching, competitions, brainstorming, and meetings with financial experts to help students with their projects! A Student Lab is at the students’ disposal for the development of projects and for students to receive the opinions and encouragement of professionals.

Competitions with students from the other UMONS faculties (engineers, architects, computer scientists, biologists, etc.) for even more innovative projects.

Student-Entrepreneur Status

Student-entrepreneur status allows students, who have a business or a start-up project, to balance their studies with their professional activities.

This status has several advantages, including better credibility and visibility within socio-economic circles, entrepreneurial contacts, and flexible timetables and evaluation procedures.



The FWEG provides many other opportunities for its students to bring together theory and practice.

In the third block of the Bachelor’s, students have the opportunity to visit companies, such as Coca Cola and Colruyt, in order to learn about their history, their keys to success and how they operate.

In the Finance course, students take part in a business game and other grant-winning competitions to put the different knowledge acquired into practice.

In the Marketing course, group work occurs regularly. For example, during the Master, students are required to carry out a market study for ICI Paris XL.


Son job ? Business Developer à la Maison de l’Entreprise

“Passé la 3ème BAC, nous sommes tenus de prendre une décision importante : quelles options choisir ? On a beau avoir une idée de ce q…
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Julie Brughmans
Ingenieur de gestion - Promotion 2015