
The CyberLab is a CyberRange-like platform where multiple IT infrastructures deployments, containing many heterogeneous nodes can be build and evaluated on the long run. The CyberLab goes further than interconnecting virtual machines running on large servers. It also includes physical devices, such as IoT captors or actuators, having wireless connectivity (WiFi, LoRaWAN, Zigbee,…) with which researchers may interact. This platform contributes, among others, to exploring the interaction between the cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, mainly when including IoT devices in the processing of “business data”.

  • Creation and evaluation of anomaly-based intrusion detection/prevention systems (unexpected network traffic, malware-like malicious behavior,…) based on AI-generated models (machine learning, statistical methods,…)
  • Online analysis of physical signals with software-defined radios
  • Collection, securisation and processing of IoT-sourced data for smart cities
  • Secure and private communications over untrusted, possibly malicious networks (at physical layer, over the Internet,…)
  • Creation of honeypot infrastructures for malware analysis
  • Base equipment : half-hundred IoT devices, 4 routers, 4 switches, the access server with the corresponding software, and three virtualization servers
  • “Cluster IG” lab (HPC, IA-oriented workloads) that is co-located and can benefit from the CyberLab
  • Quentin De Coninck
  • Said Mahmoudi
  • Adriano Guttadauria

Member Institutes

  • UMONS Research Institute InforTech
  • UMONS Research Institute Complexys

Member Services

  • Cybersecurity and Computer Systems Unit (CYSI, FPMs)
  • Mathematics and Operational Reserarch Unit (MARO, FPMs)
  • Computer Sciences, Software and Aartificial Intelligence Unit (ILIA, FPMs)
  • Computer Networks and Telecommunications Unit (FS)
  • Artificial Intelligence Unit (FS)

Contact – Coordinator of the platform