1. Structure identification and confirmation of synthetic, biological and natural (macro)molecules
Targets : organic & organometallic (synthetic) molecules, volatile organic compounds (VOC), polymers, proteins, peptides & amino acids; lipids; carbohydrates; plant specific metabolites; biogas (CH4/CO2/CO/H2/NH3)- (High resolution) mass spectrometry analysis in TLC-MS, GC-MS, LC-MS(MS) and MALDI-MS(MS)
- Structural analysis by mass spectrometry with tandem mass spectrometry and ion mobility spectrometry (CCS determination)
- Nuclear magnetic resonance (7.4T, 11.75 T & 14T) for liquid and semi-solid samples (all nuclei and all 1D/2D sequences)
2. Chemical profiling : metabolomics and proteomics analysis
- Metabolic profiling using LC-MSMS analysis with SWATH acquisition or MRM analysis
- Proteomic profiling with Data Dependent (DDA) and Data Independent (DIA) acquisition in LC-MSMS
- Peptide/metabolite (relative/absolute) quantification by mass spectrometry
- Metabolomic profiling using NMR analysis (14 T)
- Natural molecule profiling including plant specific metabolites using mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance
- Quality control of herbal drugs and preparations according to Pharmacopoeial monographs, elaboration and validation of QC analytical methods (HPTLC, HPLC, GC coupled with various detectors).
3. Drug biodistribution by molecular imaging, including relaxation time determination
- In vitro/ in vivo / ex vivo optical imaging (bioluminescence, fluorescence & Cherenkow)
- In vivo bimodal imaging including multispectral optoacoustic tomography and tomographic ultrasonography
- In vivo MRI (1H, 19F, 13C, 31P) for morphological and functional applications, tumor growth monitoring and drug biodistribution
- 1H T1 and T2 relaxation time determination using low resolution NMR spectrometers
Equipment | Specifications | Contacts |
GC 8860 - MSD 5977B - FID 8860 (Agilent) | Offer the combination of the separation capabilities of GC, the molecular identification power of MS (access to NIST library), and the sensitivity of FID for quantification, allowing for comprehensive analysis of complex mixtures with both qualitative and quantitative information. | Claudio Palmieri |
ICP-AES Varian Liberty Series II | Emission spectroscopy (inductively coupled plasma to produce excited atoms and ions that emit electromagnetic radiation at characteristic wavelengths). Determination of metal element composition of various samples. Axial configuration. | Claudio Palmieri |
Fluidity One-M | Allows to quantify and characterize protein interactions, also in complex backgrounds | Jason Fauquet |
Complete CAMAG HPTLC system equiped with Automatic TLC Sampler 4 (ATS 4), Automatic Developing Chamber 2 (ADC 2), Derivatizer, and TLC visualizer. | CAMAG® HPTLC System for qualitative and quantitative analyses including densitometric evaluation and image documentation, including visionCATS software for control of instruments. Imaging and documentation system possible in white light, long-wave UV (366 nm) and short-wave UV (254 nm) | Claudio Palmieri |
TLC-MS interface 2 (CAMAG) | TLC-MS coupling allows for verification of the chemical structure of analytes by Mass Spectrometry. Analytes can be directly eluted to an MS or the eluate can be collected for further analysis offline. | Claudio Palmieri |
Waters GCT Premier | Structure identification and confirmation : GC-MS analysis in High Resolution in EI/CI modes ➕ exact mass measurements ➕ NIST database available for structure elucidation | Pascal Gerbaux pascal.gerbaux@umons.ac.be |
Waters QToF Premier ➕ Waters Alliance 2695 | Structure identification and confirmation : LC-MS analysis in High Resolution in ESI(➕) and ESI(-) ➕ LC-MSMS analysis for structure identification&confirmation ➕ exact mass measurements | Pascal Gerbaux pascal.gerbaux@umons.ac.be |
Waters QToF API-US ➕ Waters Alliance 2695 | Structure identification and confirmation : LC-MS analysis in High Resolution in ESI(➕) and ESI(-) ➕ LC-MSMS analysis for structure identification&confirmation ➕ exact mass measurements ➕ nanospray option for highly valuable sample analysis | Pascal Gerbaux pascal.gerbaux@umons.ac.be |
Waters Synapt G2-Si ➕ Waters Acquity H-class | Structure identification and confirmation : (UP)LC-MS analysis in Ultra High Resolution in ESI(➕) and ESI(-) ➕ LC-MSMS analysis for structure identification&confirmation ➕ exact mass measurements ➕ ion mobility analysis, including CCS determination | Pascal Gerbaux pascal.gerbaux@umons.ac.be |
HS-GC-MS QP2020-HS-20 NX(230) (Shimadzu) : GC-MS with static headspace injector, FID and split/splitless injector | GC-MS or GC-FID analysis with HS-20 static headspace sampler for analysis of volatile compounds. | Michel DELAUNOIS Michel.DELAUNOIS@umons.ac.be |
GC - TCD Trace 1300 avec vanne d'injection pour gaz | Biogaz analysis : CH4/CO2/CO/H2/H2S/NH3 - Manual injection | Michel DELAUNOIS |
TOC-VCSH ➕ TN et module solide pour le carbone - SSM 5000A | TOC/TIC/TC quantification in liquid and solid samples ➕ Total Nitrogen in liquid samples | Henri VINCENT |
NMR spectrometer AVANCE 300 (Bruker) | NMR spectrometer working at 7.4 T. Registration of basic 1H and 13C NMR spectra in liquid NMR ➕ measurement of T1 and T2 relaxation times at different temperatures. |
Sophie LAURENT Sophie.LAURENT@umons.ac.be |
NMR spectrometer AVANCEII 500 (Bruker) | NMR spectrometer working at 11.75 T. Equiped with a 5 mm BBI probe, offering all the possibilities in liquid NMR (all nuclei and all 1D and 2D sequences). This liquid mode is equiped with a sample XPRESS of 60 positions allowing the registration of several samples automatically. The spectrometer is also equiped with a 4 mm HR-MAS probe 1H/13C, offering the possibility to perform semi-solid NMR. |
Sophie LAURENT Sophie.LAURENT@umons.ac.be |
FFC relaxometer (Stelar) | It allows the measurement of proton T1 relaxation time according the magnetic field (between 0.02 MHz and 40 MHz). Possibility to vary the temperature. |
Sophie LAURENT Sophie.LAURENT@umons.ac.be |
Minispec 20 and 60 (Bruker) | Low resolution NMR spectrometer working at 0.47 T and 1.4 T. It allows the measurement of proton T1 and T2 relaxation times at 37°C. The laboratory has three apparatus (2 x 20MHz and 1x 60MHz) |
Sophie LAURENT Sophie.LAURENT@umons.ac.be |
PhotonImager Optima (Biospace Lab) | In vivo optical imaging (bioluminescence, fluorescence and Cherenkow) dedicated for rodents, but a different kind of material could fit in for in vivo / ex vivo / in vitro examination. 2D X-Rays, 4-views and MacroLens additionnal modules available. | Lionel LARBANOIX |
inVision Echo (iThera Medical) | In vivo mouse bimodal imaging device : Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography and tomographic ultrasonografy. Dedicated to functionnal tissues oxygenation studies, or for biodistribution studies of melanin or contrast agents. Optional 3D hand-held detector available for mouse brain imaging or for larger animals. | Lionel LARBANOIX |
ICON 1T MRI (Bruker) | In vivo 1H MRI of a mouse at 1T magnetic field for morphological application, tumor growth monitoring, and contrast agents biodistribution. | Lionel LARBANOIX |
Biospec 9.4T MRI (Bruker) | In vivo 1H, 19F, 13C, and 31P MRI of a mouse/rat at 9.4T magnetic field for morphological, functional and spectrometry applications, tumor growth monitoring, and contrast agent biodistribution. | Lionel LARBANOIX |
LC -AB Sciex ZenoTOF 7600 System | Metabolic profiling by LC-MS/MS with SWATH acquisition - strutural elucidating and confirmation |
LC -AB Sciex ZenoTOF 7600 System | Proteomic profiling by LC-MS/MS with SWATH acquisition - strutural elucidating and confirmation |
LC- AB Sciex TripleTOF 6600 System | Proteomic analysis by LC-MS/MS with Data Dependant acquisition and/or Data Indenpendant acquisition |
LC- AB Sciex QTrap 6500➕ System | Peptide/Metabolite quantitation by ESI-Qtrap-MS (Relative or Absolute) |
LC- AB Sciex QTrap 6500➕ System | MRM/SRM analysis by ESI-Qtrap-MS |
NMR spectrometer AVANCE NEO 600 (Bruker) | NMR spectrometer working at 14 T. Equiped with a 5 mm BBI probe, offering all the possibilities in liquid NMR (all nuclei and all 1D and 2D sequences). This liquid mode is equiped with a sample XPRESS of 60 positions allowing the registration of several samples automatically. The spectrometer is also equiped with a 4 mm HR-MAS probe 1H/13C, offering the possibility to perform semi-solid NMR. |
GC-MS | Structure identification and confirmation : GC-MS analysis in High Resolution in EI/CI modes ➕ exact mass measurements ➕ NIST database available for structure elucidation |
Amino acid analyser | Amino acid and metabolomic analysis |
Selected publications
- “Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Saponins”, Philippe Savarino, Marie Demeyer, Corentin Decroo, Emmanuel Colson, and Pascal Gerbaux, Mass Spectrom Rev, 42 (2023) 954-983. (S2MOs)
- “Comprehensive lipid profiling of Microchloropsis gaditana by liquid chromatography - (tandem) mass spectrometry: Bead milling and extraction solvent effects”, Gaëla Cauchie, Guillaume Delfau-Bonnet, Guillaume Caulier, Anne-Lise Hantson, Jean-Hugues Renault, and Pascal Gerbaux, Algal Research, 58 (2021) 102388. (S2MOs)
- “Discrimination of regioisomeric and stereoisomeric saponins from Aesculus hippocastanum seeds by ion mobility mass spectrometry”, Emmanuel Colson, Corentin Decroo, Dale Cooper-Shepherd, Guillaume Caulier, Céline Henoumont, Sophie Laurent, Julien De Winter, Patrick Flammang, Martin Palmer, Jan Claereboudt and Pascal Gerbaux, J.Am.Soc.Mass Spectrom., 30 (2019) 2228-2237. (S2MOs)
- One step further in the characterization of synthetic polymers by ion mobility mass spectrometry: Evaluating the contribution of end-groups”, Quentin Duez, Romain Liénard, Sébastien Moins, Vincent Lemaur, Olivier Coulembier, Jérôme Cornil, Pascal Gerbaux, Julien De Winter, Polymers, 11 (2019) 688-701. (S2MOs)
- “Discrimination of positional isomers by ion mobility mass spectrometry: Application to organic semiconductors.” Quentin Duez, Maxime Romain, Corentin Tonneaux, Julien De Winter, Vincent Lemaur, Jérôme Cornil, Cyril Poriel and Pascal Gerbaux, Analytical Methods, 10 (2018) 2303 – 2306. (S2MOs)
- “Microfluidic Diffusion Sizing Applied to the Study of Natural Products and Extracts That Modulate the SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD/ACE2 Interaction.”, Jason Fauquet, Julie Carette, Pierre Duez, Jiuliang Zhang, Amandine Nachtergael, Molecules, 28, 872 (2023). (CTP)
- “Deep eutectic solvents for the extraction and stabilization of Ecuadorian quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) saponins.”, Veronica Taco, Philippe Savarino, Samira Benali, Elena Billacrès, Jean-Marie Raquez, Pascal Gerbaux, Pierre Duez, Amandine Nachtergael, Journal of Cleaner Production, 363, 132609 (2022). (CTP)
- ” Quality control of herbal drugs and preparations: The methods of analysis, their relevance and applications.”, Welcome Muyumba, Cédrick Mutombo, Helen Sheridan, Amandine Nachtergael, Pierre Duez, Talanta Open, 4, 100070 (2021) (CTP)
- “An alternative and simplified approach to identification and test for minimum content of TCM herbal drugs.”, DA Frommenwiler, C Sabatini-Samori, R Scherübl, V Wolkinger, A. Nachtergael, DA Guo, E Reich, S Cañigueral, U Rose, Pharmeur Bio Sci Notes, 1-25 (2021). (CTP)
- “Optimized high-performance thin-layer chromatography‒bioautography screening of Ecuadorian Chenopodium quinoa Willd. leaf extracts for inhibition of α-amylase.” Veronica Taco, Claudio Palmieri, Pierre Duez, Amandine Nachtergael, JPC-J Planar Chromat 34, 561–567 (2021). (CTP)
- Henoumont, G. Hallot, E. Lipani, C. Gomez, R.N. Muller, L. Vander Elst, M. Port, S. Laurent, « Characterization of organic molecules grafted to silica or bismuth nanoparticles by NMR », Applied Nano (2021)
- Vangijzegem, D. Stanicki, L. Vander Elst, R.N. Muller, S. Laurent, « VSION as high field MRI T1 contrast agent: evidence of their potential as positive contrast agent for magnetic resonance angiography », Nanotechnology, 295(16), 165603 (2018)
- Devreux, F. Dioury, C. Henoumont, C. Ferroud, S. Laurent, “Dual-modality probe for MRI and photoacoustic imaging: synthesis, and relaxometric characterization”, Eur. J. Inorg . Chem., 2019(29), 3353 (2019)
- Stanicki, L. Larbanoix, S. Boutry, T. Vangijzegem, I. Ternad, S. Garifo, R.N. Muller, S. Laurent, « Impact of the chain length on the biodistribution profiles of PEGylated iron oxide nanoparticles: a multimodal imaging study », Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 9(25), 5055 - 5068 (2021)
- Freis, M.D.L.A. Ramirez, C. Kiefer, S. Harlepp, C. Iacovita, C. Henoumont, C. Affolter-Zbaraszczuk, F. Meyer, D. Mertz, A. Boos, M. Tasso, S. Furgiuele, F. Journe, S. Saussez, S. Bégin-Colin, S. Laurent, « Effect of the size and shape of dendronized iron oxide nanoparticles bearing a targeting ligand on MRI, magnetic hyperthermia, and photothermia properties - from suspension to in vitro studies », Pharmaceutics, (2023)
- FRS-FNRS / GE 2015 – “Macromolecular and supramolecular mass spectrometry : in-depth characterization of polymers and non-covalent complexes by state-of-the-art high definition mass spectrometry” : acquisition of the Waters Synapt G2-Si mass spectrometer to develop ion mobility experiments
- ARES-PDR 2020-2022 – « Conception d’une micro-bioraffinerie pour la pratique durable du maraîchage au Burkina faso » : Development of standardized formulations of biopesticides based pn plant metabolites
- FRS-FNRS / PDR 2022-2026 – “Original Heteroaryl Azo-Functionalized Peptoids As High-Energy Density Solar Thermal Fuels : development of original photoswichable molecules for solar energy storage
- ARC 2023-2027 : “MOlecular Solar Thermal systems : from molecules to energy capture/exchange prototypes” : development of original photoswichable molecules for solar energy storage
- FRS-FNRS / CDR – “Overcoming the defense mechanisms of Plasmodium: characterization and modulation of lipids that allow the survival of parasites through catalysis of heme detoxification” : acquisition of the Microfluidic Diffusional Sizing instrument to measure protein interactions
- ARES PRD 2022-2027 – “Appui à l’opérationnalisation des Centres de Médecine Traditionnelle au Burkina Faso, par une recherche multidisciplinaire coordonnée sur la qualité et la sécurité des remèdes à base de plantes. (MT-QUAL)”: development and validation of quality control methods to ensure the safety and consistency of the plant materials used for therapeutic purposes.
- ARES PRD 2022-2027 - “Reconnaissance mutuelle des savoirs traditionnels et modernes : conditions pour l'implémentation durable d’une médecine intégrative dans le contexte malgache (Tradimad) ” development and validation of quality control methods for traditional remedies.
- ARC : Development of Benzimidazole-modified Polymers as Antibacterial Contact-Active Coatings (BACA-COAT)
- Fragments of Antibodies (FAR) – Biowin Project - Le but du projet est de développer des solutions industrialisées et simplifiées pour la production de fragments d'anticorps radiomarqués pour la radioimmunothérapie (RIT). Cela permettra l'obtention de nouveaux médicaments modulables et en quantités importantes pour le traitement de cancers par RIT.
- PrimoGaia, FET-Open Horizon 2020
- Theraget (projet Euronanomed III)
- Magnified, First spin-off 2022
UMONS Member Services
- Organic Synthesis and Mass Spectrometry (FS)
- Unit of Therapeutic Chemistry and Pharmacognosy (FMPB)
- Chemical and biochemical process engineering (FPMs)
- General, Organic and Biomedical Chemistry Unit / CMMI (FMPB)
- Bioprofiling – ProtMic (FS)
Funding partners
- UE - En Mieux
External partners
Coming soon
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