Master's in

Economic and Social Policy

Specialist Focus on Economic and Social Policy Management
  • Schedule
    Daytime schedule
  • ECTS Credits
  • Language


The 120-credit Master’s degree in Economic and Social Policy offers specialised training for successful entry into the public and private sectors. At the end of the course, graduates will have acquired the necessary skills to understand the economic, political and social world, both nationally and in Europe, which will enable them to understand the decision-making process, particularly in public institutions. 
The specialist focus on Management of Economic and Social Policy offers comprehensive training. 

Target audience

The Master’s degree in Economic and Social Policy is particularly geared towards students wishing to work in research organisations, associations, social economy institutions, etc. This Master’s degree is perfect for graduates of Bachelor’s degrees in the human, political and social science sectors. 

Program and structure

Distribution of Credits 

The Master’s degree in Economic and Social Policy is 120 credits made up of: 

  • In the first block: a core curriculum of 40 credits (economic policy, sustainable development and production, social economy, etc.) supplemented by the courses of the chosen field. 
  • In the second block: a core curriculum of 20 credits (modelling tools, European matters, collective territorial intelligence) completed by a dissertation and a placement/personal project, as well as courses specific to the chosen field. 

Access conditions

The Master’s in Economic and Social Policy is readily accessible to students with a Bachelor's degree in Management, Economics and Management, or Business Engineering. It is also open to graduates of many other BA and MA programmes. 

Do you already have a higher education qualification obtained in the French Community? Use our search tool to check whether your qualification grants you admission onto this Master's degree and, if so, under what conditions. 

Teaching profile

The programme description defines the expected learning outcomes at the end of the cycle (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.). The programme description defines the expected learning outcomes, i.e. what the student should know, understand and be able to achieve at the end of a learning activity, a teaching unit or a study cycle (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.). Learning outcomes are defined in terms of knowledge, expertise and soft skills. 

At the end of the course, students will be able to: 

  • Understand specialised knowledge in the field of economic, political and social sciences in order to apply it to issues related to the political, economic and social environment. 
  • Analyse concrete political, social and economic issues in a multidisciplinary manner, identifying future societal developments. 
  • Develop innovative solutions/actions/policies/methodologies adapted to the institutional and social context of the parties concerned, with a view to making changes. 
  • Implement a scientific approach in order to carry out rigorous research on issues in the economic, social or political field. 
  • Apply the skills acquired during the programme to the professional, social and political field, either independently or in collaboration. 
  • Take a critical stance and a step back when analysing issues and implementing actions in the economic, social or political field. 
  • Communicate, in writing or orally, in a structured and appropriate manner. 

 For more information about this study cycle, click here.


All the Master's programmes offered by the FWEG provide a variety of opportunities for its graduates. The Master's degree in Economic and Social Policy is no exception. Students of this Master’s acquire expertise in a wide range of functions related to organisation, administration, business management, finance, human resources, research and analysis. This expertise can be used in private companies as well as in public organisations and institutions, both in Belgium and abroad. 

Here are some of the potential job opportunities: 

  • Managing a department in a private or public company 
  • Exercising economic, political or social responsibilities in a local, regional or federal administration 
  • Joining a large national or international institution as a collaborator, advisor, ... 
  • Working in the social economy sector 
  • Teaching 
  • Pursuing a political career 
  • Conduct research in an economic, political or social field. 

About this training

Human and Social Sciences
Political and Social Sciences

Contact us for more info

Noélie Maquestiau
+32 (0)65 37 23 17