Ethics and scientific integrity

At the University of Mons, ethics and scientific integrity are integral to its research mission, with a strong commitment to fostering high-quality research grounded in rigorous principles. In alignment with international standards and the recommendations of the High Council for Scientific Integrity, UMONS encourages its researchers to follow a stringent scientific approach, upholding ethical standards while being mindful of the societal impact of their work.


The Missions of the UMONS Committee on Ethics and Scientific Integrity in Research (CEIS)
  1. Ethical framework and promotion of best academic practices : the committee advises on and monitors the application of good practices in academic research through various internal bodies (PhD College, Research Institutes Presidents’ Working Group, Research Council)
  2. Raising awareness on scientific integrity : the committee is committed to promoting ethical and deontological awareness within the university community. It organizes training sessions, coordinates initiatives, and provides support to researchers, ensuring responsible practices.
  3. Handling disputes and misconduct : in cases of alleged breaches of scientific integrity, the CEIS is responsible for reviewing and investigating cases.

The missions of the UMONS CEIS are detailed below.

UMONS’ Commitment to Ethics and Scientific Integrity

On 20/12/2010, UMONS fully engaged in the European EURAXESS initiative and was awarded the HR4SR label, aiming to enhance researcher mobility while ensuring ethical and transparent practices.

This commitment is demonstrated through concrete actions aimed at:

  • Promoting ethics and its societal and professional dimensions for high-quality research;
  • Increasing transparency in recruitment procedures to better inform potential candidates;
  • Valuing researchers’ careers and qualifications;
  • Actively supporting the development of scientific careers.

Following the impetus of the EURAXESS initiative, and by decision of the University Governing Board on 13/10/2014, UMONS established an Ethics and Deontology Commission, which was expanded in 2017 with the Research Integrity Commission. Both commissions are chaired by the Vice-Rector for Research.

UMONS is also a member of the High Council for Scientific Integrity (CSIS), established within the Royal Academies of Belgium. The CSIS’s mission is to issue recommendations and opinions on matters of scientific integrity, either on its own initiative or at the request of scientific organizations. While the CSIS does not act as a first-instance body, it provides second opinions when an institution’s scientific integrity committee has issued an initial decision on an alleged violation or has chosen not to rule.

The CEIS plays a crucial role in promoting good research practices, collaborating with various internal bodies such as the PhD College, the Research Institute Presidents’ Working Group, and the Research Council.

Additionally, three faculty-specific ethics committees oversee specific fields:

  • The Ethics Committee for Research in Psychology, Speech Therapy, Orthopedagogy and Educational Sciences, linked to the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences (President – Jennifer Denis and Secretary – Luca Tiberi / Contact)
  • The Ethics Committee on animal experimentation, linked to the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Biomedical Sciences (President : Denis NONCLERCQ)
  • The Ethics Committee affiliated with the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting – School of International Interpreters (President: Anne DELIZEE – Contact)

In this context, UMONS is part of a broader dynamic through its participation in the CoARA initiative (Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment) which its missions are guided by the following principle : « assessment of research, researchers and research organisations recognises the diverse outputs, practices and activities that maximise the quality and impact of research. This requires basing assessment primarily on qualitative judgement, for which peer-review is central, supported by responsible use of quantitative indicators ».


The CEIS is tasked with raising awareness within the university community on ethical and deontological principles.

In addition to CEIS activities, the Research Administration and Valorization Department (AVRE) organizes annual cross-disciplinary training sessions for scientists, particularly PhD students, on research integrity. You can consult the training catalog here.

Moreover, several members of the AVRE have undergone specific training in good research practices through the European VIRT2UE program, thereby strengthening their expertise in raising awareness and training.

The CEIS intervenes in cases of suspected breaches of scientific integrity that harm the discovery and dissemination of knowledge or infringe on protectable personal interests. Its mission is to investigate such inappropriate behavior and ensure compliance with ethical standards in research.

Anyone suspecting a violation of good research practices, whether directly involved or not, can file a complaint with the President and/or Vice-President of the UMONS Committee on Scientific Integrity.



For any questions regarding the UMONS Committee on Scientific Integrity or to report suspected breaches of scientific integrity principles, you can contact the President and/or Vice-President of the UMONS Scientific Integrity Committee:

  • Ruddy Wattiez, President of the CEIS
  • Philippe Fortemps, Vice-President of the CEIS
  • Mail :
  • Ruddy WATTIEZ
  • Philippe FORTEMPS
  • Carmen BURTEA
  • Loredana CULTRERA
  • Veronique DELVAUX
  • Jennifer DENIS
  • Anne DELIZEE
  • Natacha DUROISIN
  • Romina GIULIANO
  • Fabrice JOURNE
  • Sesil KOUTRA
  • Roberto LAZZARONI
  • Kristel MAZY
  • Patrice MEGRET
  • Virginie ROLAND
  • Katrin SOLHDJU
  • Lionel TAFFOREAU
  • Mihnea TANASESCU
  • Erika WAUTHIA


Ressources on Scientific Integrity in Research
  • European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (revised edition 2023) – Link
  • International Code of Conduct for Advanced AI Systems under the Hiroshima Process – Link
  • FNRS Code of Ethics for Scientific Research – Link
  • Embassy of Good Science – Link
  • Declarations from World conferences on research integrityLink
  • Integrity in publicationLink
  • Open Science and the issue of Predatory Journals – Link
  • Predatory Journal Identification Tool from the University of Liège – Link