ScheduleDaytime schedule
ECTS Credits180
The 3 years of the Bachelor’s degree in Engineering take place in Charleroi, in an environment combining proximity, personalised supervision and academic excellence.
The aim of this engineering programme is to enable students to solve complex technical and scientific problems in practical ways. To this end, the course actively enables students to:
- Mobilise a broad spectrum of knowledge in the field of science and technology
- Adopt an applied scientific approach combining rigour and creativity
- Apply a project management approach
- Deploy interaction and team management skills
- Master scientific, technical and interpersonal communication
- Act as a responsible professional.
Extra information
Courses are held in the Zénobe Gramme building and practical work is carried out in the Solvay building.
Registrations are carried out at UMONS, which is the lead university for this programme.
Program and structure
The Bachelor’s in Engineering course is held in Charleroi, during the day. Classes are held in the A6K-E6K building (Square des Martyrs, 2 – 6000 Charleroi). Laboratory work also takes place in Charleroi, in the Solvay building, close to the main campus.
An engineer is a polytechnician, which means that they master a wide range of technical and scientific disciplines, both in theory and in practical application.
For this reason, the proposed undergraduate course (180 credits – 3 60-credit blocks) is made up of a core curriculum of 144 credits (approximately 2.5 years) and three 12-credit modules, from the following:
- Module A: Computer Science
- Module B: Electrical Engineering
- Module C: Solid Mechanics and Materials
- Module D: Signals and Telecommunications
- Module E: Energy and Applied Mechanics
- Module F: Operational Research and Management.
Access conditions
Certificate of successful completion of the special entrance exam for admission to undergraduate studies in engineering (general specialist focus and architecture specialist focus).
-> Everything you need to know about the special entrance exam
Teaching profile
The teaching profile presents the institutional training profile expected at the end of the cycle (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.). It is described in terms of learning outcomes, i.e. what the student should know, understand and be able to achieve at the end of a learning activity, a teaching unit or a study cycle. Learning outcomes are defined in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
On completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Apply an engineering approach to a problem with a defined scope, taking into account technical, economic and environmental constraints.
- Master fundamental knowledge (theoretical and methodological) in science and engineering to solve problems involving these disciplines.
- Master the basics of project management to carry out a defined project alone or as part of a team.
- Work in a team.
- Communicate clear, precise, well-argued information in a structured way - orally and in writing, in French and English.
- Demonstrate rigour and autonomy in their training.
For more information, see the teaching profile for this course of study here.
This 180-credit Bachelor's degree enables students to pursue a Master's degree in Engineering.
By prolonging a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, and then studying for a Master's degree in Engineering, students can choose between different specialist fields: chemical engineering and materials science, electrical engineering, computer science and management, mechanical engineering, geology and mining engineering, biomedical engineering, etc.
Instruction type
From the first year of the Bachelor's degree, the curriculum includes lectures, exercises, practical laboratory work, team projects and language courses.